Procmail and RT

Hi everyone,

If I want to inspect incoming messages to RT and send them to different
queues based on the the contents of the email headers, where do my procmail
recipes need to go? Which .procmailrc gets read?


Timothy Wilson
Technology Integration Specialist
Hopkins ISD #270, Hopkins, MN, USA
ph: 952.988.4103 fax: 952.988.4311 AIM: tis270

If I want to inspect incoming messages to RT and send them to different
queues based on the the contents of the email headers, where do my procmail
recipes need to go? Which .procmailrc gets read?

One option is to set up your alias to pipe to procmail and give it the -p
option with a rcfile to use. But, as always, TMTOWTDI.


Michael S. Liebman
“I have vision and the rest of the world wears bifocals.”
-Paul Newman in “Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid”

Tim Wilson said the following on 19/12/03 15:04:

Hi everyone,

If I want to inspect incoming messages to RT and send them to different
queues based on the the contents of the email headers, where do my procmail
recipes need to go? Which .procmailrc gets read?

See my RT/Procmail howto at


Tim Wilson wrote:

If I want to inspect incoming messages to RT and send them to different
queues based on the the contents of the email headers, where do my procmail
recipes need to go? Which .procmailrc gets read?

I send all RT mail to a single user, and use the .procmailrc in that
user’s home directory. In my case, I sort on the To: address, but you
can sort on anything that procmail can understand (watch the wrap - the
mailgate statement should be on one line):

Place spam filters first (if you don’t handle mail abuse complaints)

:0 HB

  • .*As seen on (NBC|CBS|CNN|Oprah|T.V.|TV)|government grants

Sort into queue according to recipient address



all remaining mail goes to Acme Info queue

|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue “Acme Info” --action correspond --url