Problems with 3.6.3 install

I have had RT3.4.5 running on a couple of machines without a problem.
I recently got a fresh solaris 9 machine,
blastwaved rt onto it, and - am amazed at how much trouble I am having
setting 3.6.3 up!
Is it THAT different!?!!!

Does anybody on this forum talk to people who have trouble on solaris
machines? Is this just a blastwave
problem? Is Mason::GD (and GD::Graph and GD::Text) something
absolutely critical? Is that why my
page to configure RT-at-a-glance globally isn’t working?

It’s almost just easier to stay at 3.4.5! Please, if anybody has any
ideas for me, speak up. I posted 2/28 without any help.

I love Solaris, but compiling things (or installing packages) that require
a lot of dependencies can often times be a real big pain. Ultimately one
specific dependecy won’t install, etc. For software such as this, I’ve
moved on to Linux and have a whole lot less problems.

You mention some RT dependencies below - did they not install correctly or
did not come with the Blastwave package? Have you contacted the maintainer
for this specific BW package or used their help process?

Yes, those packages are necessary - otherwise they wouldn’t be required.

James Moseley

         Judy Illeman                                                  
         <judy@epicenter.u                                          To >            
         Sent by:                                                   cc 
         lists.bestpractic                                     Subject                     [rt-users] Problems with 3.6.3      
         03/05/2007 05:06                                              

I have had RT3.4.5 running on a couple of machines without a problem.
I recently got a fresh solaris 9 machine,
blastwaved rt onto it, and - am amazed at how much trouble I am having
setting 3.6.3 up!
Is it THAT different!?!!!

Does anybody on this forum talk to people who have trouble on solaris
machines? Is this just a blastwave
problem? Is Mason::GD (and GD::Graph and GD::Text) something
absolutely critical? Is that why my
page to configure RT-at-a-glance globally isn’t working?

It’s almost just easier to stay at 3.4.5! Please, if anybody has any
ideas for me, speak up. I posted 2/28 without any help.

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