Problems w/ Install on Debian

Yesterday I sent an email to the list about moving over to the new
server and was succesfull w/ the data however I having several issues.

  1. When I view a ticket on the left side of the window, I do not have
    any of the Display, History, Basics, Dates, People, Jumbo or Links
    showing up.

  2. When I click on Tickets I receive the error: "The requested
    URL /rt/Search/Listing.html was not found on this server."
    I have setup Apache per the INSTALL.Debian and it looks like this:

For request tracker JtJ

Alias /rt /usr/share/request-tracker3.4/html
Include "/etc/request-tracker3.4/apache-modperl.conf

Thanks in advance for help

Jonathan Jesse wrote:

  1. When I click on Tickets I receive the error: “The requested
    URL /rt/Search/Listing.html was not found on this server.”

There is no Search/Listing.html in 3.4. It sounds like you have
some residue from an older RT version hanging around.