Problems sending with SendMail


I configure my RT with Stand Alone Server Mode. I used ‘SendMail’ to
send mails from RT to notify create, response, resolve tickets ,…
I have problems because my RT don’t send emails to any domain, only send
email from localhost.

I configure my SendMail following the next steps:

I restart ‘sendmail’ service and test if RT send mails to any domain,
but don’t work.
Also, I configure

Set($SendmailArguments, “-oi -t”);
Set($SendmailPatch, “/usr/sbin/sendmail”);

But, don’t work :frowning:

Any suggerence?


/ / Daniel Garc�a Mej�a
C E / S / C A Portals i Repositoris
/_/ Centre de Serveis Cient�fics i Acad�mics de Catalunya

Gran Capit�, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) - 08034 Barcelona
T. (NULL) - F. 93 205 6979 -

Set($SendmailPatch, “/usr/sbin/sendmail”);

Typo. It should be Path, not Patch.

Best regards, Ruslan.