Problem with XML::Parser

I’ve got a Centos 5.8 machine with Perl 14.2 running on it, and I’m
having the devil’s own time getting XML::Parser installed.

CPAN returns errors regarding expat when I try and make manually through
it. I can respond with the detailed error messages, but I was wondering
if anyone had run into this yet. I didn’t find anything on Gossamer. I
know there’s an issue with Expat for Centos, but I installed via the RPM
and I thought I had itr good, though I seem to be incorrect.

Let me know what specifics you want in terms of system config and I’ll




If you install some perl module that needs a binary library like expat
then you usually have to install -devel package like expat-devel.On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 00:43, Arnon Clark wrote:

I’ve got a Centos 5.8 machine with Perl 14.2 running on it, and I’m having
the devil’s own time getting XML::Parser installed.

CPAN returns errors regarding expat when I try and make manually through it.
I can respond with the detailed error messages, but I was wondering if
anyone had run into this yet. I didn’t find anything on Gossamer. I know
there’s an issue with Expat for Centos, but I installed via the RPM and I
thought I had itr good, though I seem to be incorrect.

Let me know what specifics you want in terms of system config and I’ll



Best regards, Ruslan.