Problem with user's history


I have next promlem: after i crated new user, i click on this
user’s history and get this error:

error: Can’t locate object method “Name” via package “No
object mapping for field” (perhaps you forgot to load “No object
mapping for field”?) at
line 7.

3: # Set $skip to 1 if transaction matches criteria
4: # $skip is passed by reference
6: # get the queue name
7: my $Queue = $Transaction->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name;
9: # only check if it’s an RTIR queue
10: if ($Queue eq ‘Incidents’ ||
11: $Queue eq ‘Incident Reports’ ||

code stack:
raw error

This problem appeared when i installed RTIR. Can you help me?

WBR, Krasavin Andrey

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– mike in devel@

This problem appeared when i installed RTIR. Can you help me?

Has anybody any ideas of my problem?

WBR, Krasavin Andrey