Can someone help me with the correct configuration of the MISP plugin (RTIR::Extension::MISP - Integrate RTIR with MISP - metacpan.org)?
My version:
RT: 5.0.6
RTIR: 5.0.6
The installation went smoothly. My configuration looks according to the documentation:
‘MISP’ => [
{ Name => ‘MISP’,
URI => ‘https://my-misp.domain.pl/’, # Change to your MISP
Description => ‘My MISP Feed - test’,
DaysToFetch => 5, # For the feed page, how many days back to fetch
ApiKeyAuth => ‘***’, # Change to your real key
If I go to RTIR → Tools → External Feeds → MISP nothing appears.
If I run the query in the console (RT):
curl -k -X GET https://my-misp.domain.pl/ -H “Authorization: ***” -H “Accept: application/json” -H “Content-Type: application/json”
Everything works, the problem is with the SSL certificate on MISP. Can I add somewhere so that the MISP plugin ignores certificate errors?