Problem with merged tickets

Hi all!

We are discovering problems here when we try to merge tickets.
The version currently in use is 2.0.0.

Let me give an example:

3 tickets, each with a single initial comment. (Just to make it easy to
reproduce, it works the same way if you have a longer history)

Action Ticket Comment
Create #1 “content 1”
Create #2 “content 2”
Create #3 “content 3”

merge #1#2
(gives:) #2 “content 1”, “content 2”

merge #2#3
(gives:) #3 “content 2”, “content 3”

This is obviously wrong, as “content 1” got lost.

A possible but ugly workaround is to merge #1->#3 and #2->#3, but what
to do if there comes up another ticket in this thread?

Thanx for any help in advance,
Andreas Liebrich
Andreas Liebrich AG
IT Operations ( ) Vordere Cramergasse 11
Fon: +49 (0)911 4244-504 X D-90478 Nuernberg
Fax: +49 (0)911 4244-100 /