Problem with \@Actions array and custom callback

Hello everybody.

I am not able to see messages in web UI that are pushed from my callback.
I am running RT 4.0.1 from Ubuntu 11.10 package.

Below is minimal callback routine which demonstrates the problem
% foreach my $action (@Actions) {
% $RT::Logger->info(“ProcessArguments foreach: $action”);
% }

$RT::Logger->info(“ProcessArguments INIT”);
my $msg=“result OK”;
push(@Actions, $msg);

$Ticket => undef
%ARGSRef => undef
@Actions => undef

With the above callback I get nothing in web UI notification area, allthough
syslog shows callback has been visited:
[Sun Mar 25 21:45:56 2012] [info]: ProcessArguments INIT
[Sun Mar 25 21:45:56 2012] [info]: ProcessArguments foreach: result OK

Standard RT notifications work as expected (add reminder or update
‘Told’ in Display.html).
I checked list archives and� but can not find
anything anymore to help troubleshoot forward.

Any pointers what I might be doing wrong?


Mikko Lehto

Hello everybody.

I am not able to see messages in web UI that are pushed from my callback.
I am running RT 4.0.1 from Ubuntu 11.10 package.

Below is minimal callback routine which demonstrates the problem

% foreach my $action (@Actions) {
% $RT::Logger->info(“ProcessArguments foreach: $action”);
% }

$RT::Logger->info(“ProcessArguments INIT”);
my $msg=“result OK”;
push(@Actions, $msg);

$Ticket => undef
%ARGSRef => undef
@Actions => undef

You should defined @Actions argument as $Actions => . In your code
Mason binds array ref to array where it looses to connection the
reference, so you just work with a copy. To access array via reference
you the following constructions:

push @$Actions,…
$Actions->[1] …

With the above callback I get nothing in web UI notification area, allthough
syslog shows callback has been visited:

[Sun Mar 25 21:45:56 2012] [info]: ProcessArguments INIT
[Sun Mar 25 21:45:56 2012] [info]: ProcessArguments foreach: result OK

Standard RT notifications work as expected (add reminder or update
‘Told’ in Display.html).
I checked list archives and masonbook.comน but can not find
anything anymore to help troubleshoot forward.

Any pointers what I might be doing wrong?


Mikko Lehto

Best regards, Ruslan.