Problem installing RT -- Mason related?

Greetings all,

I’m trying to get rt-2.0.14 installed on a linux server.

I’ve followed the RT/FM installation guide, but am stuck trying to get
anything to work through the web.

Any time I try to hit the RT2 pages, Apache dumps the following to it’s

[warn] [Mason] Cannot resolve file to component:
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/rt2 (is file outside component root?)

Can anyone help me? Any pointers on where I can find more information?
Thank you in advance! Configuration in my environment is below.


Here are the relevent settings in my setup (as far as I know, though
obviously there’s something wrong (: )

Apache’s httpd.conf:

Alias /rt2/ /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html/
PerlRequire /usr/local/rt2/bin/
<Location /rt2>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason

(I’m not sure if this is everything related to RT that I need or not, my
goal here is to have all the RT url’s under http://hostname/rt2 )

Apache’s conf/mason.conf:

PerlSetVar MasonCompRoot “/usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html”
PerlSetVar MsonDataDir “/usr/local/apache/mason”
PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

<Directory “/usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html”>
<FilesMatch “(.html)$”>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

Etc/ (entire file, hope it isn’t too mangled):

$Header: /raid/cvsroot/rt/etc/,v 1.18 2002/07/13 04:00:53

jesse Exp $

package RT;

{{{ Base Configuration

$rtname the string that RT will look for in mail messages to # figure

out what ticket a new piece of mail belongs to

Your domain name is recommended, so as not to pollute the namespace.

once you start using a given tag, you should probably never change it.

(otherwise, mail for existing tickets won’t get put in the right place


You should set this to your organization’s DNS domain. For example, or It’s used by the linking interface to

guarantee that ticket URIs are unique and easy to construct.

$Organization = “”;

$user_passwd_min defines the minimum length for user passwords.

Setting # it to 0 disables this check $MinimumPasswordLength = “5”;

$Timezone is used to convert times entered by users into GMT and back

again # It should be set to a timezone recognized by your local unix
box. $Timezone = ‘US/Eastern’;

LogDir is where RT writes its logfiles.

This directory should be writable by your rt group

$LogDir = “/usr/local/rt2/logs”;


{{{ Database Configuration

Database driver beeing used - i.e. MySQL. $DatabaseType=“mysql”;

The domain name of your database server

If you’re running mysql and it’s on localhost,

leave it blank for enhanced performance $DatabaseHost=“localhost”;

The port that your database server is running on. Ignored unless it’s

a positive integer. It’s usually safe to leave this blank


#The name of the database user (inside the database)

Password the DatabaseUser should use to access the database


The name of the RT’s database on your database server


If you’re using Postgres and have compiled in SSL support,

set DatabaseRequireSSL to 1 to turn on SSL communication



{{{ Incoming mail gateway configuration

OwnerEmail is the address of a human who manages RT. RT will send

errors generated by the mail gateway to this address. This address #
should not be an address that’s managed by your RT instance.

$OwnerEmail = ‘root’;

If $LoopsToRTOwner is defined, RT will send mail that it believes

might be a loop to $RT::OwnerEmail

$LoopsToRTOwner = 1;

If $StoreLoopss is defined, RT will record messages that it believes

to be part of mail loops.

As it does this, it will try to be careful not to send mail to the

sender of these messages

$StoreLoops = undef;

$MaxAttachmentSize sets the maximum size (in bytes) of attachments

stored # in the database.

For mysql and oracle, we set this size at 10 megabytes.

If you’re running a postgres version earlier than 7.1, you will need

to drop this to 8192. (8k)

$MaxAttachmentSize = 10000000;

$TruncateLongAttachments: if this is set to a non-undef value, # RT

will truncate attachments longer than MaxAttachmentLength.

$TruncateLongAttachments = undef;

$DropLongAttachments: if this is set to a non-undef value,

RT will silently drop attachments longer than MaxAttachmentLength.

$DropLongAttachments = undef;

If $ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs is true, RT will attempt to divine

Ticket ‘Cc’ watchers from the To and Cc lines of incoming messages # Be
forewarned that if you have any addresses which forward mail to # RT
automatically and you enable this option without modifying

“IsRTAddress” below, you will get yourself into a heap of trouble.

And well, this is free software, so there isn’t a warrantee, but # I
disclaim all ability to help you if you do enable this without #
modifying IsRTAddress below.

$ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs = undef;

IsRTAddress is used to make sure RT doesn’t add itself as a ticket CC

if # the setting above is enabled.

sub IsRTAddress {
my $address = shift;

# Example: the following rule would tell RT not to Cc 
#	""
# return(1) if ($address =~ /^tickets\$/i);



CanonicalizeAddress converts email addresses into canonical form. # it

takes one email address in and returns the proper canonical # form. You
can dump whatever your proper local config is in here

sub CanonicalizeAddress {
my $email = shift;
# Example: the following rule would treat all email
# coming from a subdomain as coming from second level domain
#$email =~ s/@(.*);
return ($email)

If $LookupSenderInExternalDatabase is defined, RT will attempt to

verify the incoming message sender with a known source, using the

LookupExternalUserInfo routine below

$LookupSenderInExternalDatabase = undef;

If $SenderMustExistInExternalDatabase is true, RT will refuse to

create non-privileged accounts for unknown users if you are using

the “LookupSenderInExternalDatabase” option.

Instead, an error message will be mailed and RT will forward the

message to $RTOwner.

If you are not using $LookupSenderInExternalDatabase, this option

has no effect. #

If you define an AutoRejectRequest template, RT will use this

template for the rejection message.

$SenderMustExistInExternalDatabase = undef;

LookupExternalUserInfo is a site-definable method for synchronizing

incoming users with an external data source.

This routine takes a tuple of EmailAddress and FriendlyName

EmailAddress is the user’s email address, ususally taken from

an email message’s From: header.

FriendlyName is a freeform string, ususally taken from the


portion of an email message’s From: header.

It returns (FoundInExternalDatabase, ParamHash);

FoundInExternalDatabase must be set to 1 before return if the user


found in the external database.

ParamHash is a Perl parameter hash which can contain at least the


fields. These fields are used to populate RT’s users database when

the user

is created

EmailAddress is the email address that RT should use for this


Name is the ‘Name’ attribute RT should use for this user.

‘Name’ is used for things like access control and user


RealName is what RT should display as the user’s name when


‘friendly’ names

sub LookupExternalUserInfo {
my ($EmailAddress, $RealName) = @_;

my $FoundInExternalDatabase = 1;
my %params = {};

#Name is the RT username you want to use for this user.
$params{‘Name’} = $EmailAddress;
$params{‘EmailAddress’} = $EmailAddress;
$params{‘RealName’} = $RealName;

See RT’s contributed code for examples.

return ($FoundInExternalDatabase, %params);


{{{ Outgoing mail configuration

RT is designed such that any mail which already has a ticket-id

associated # with it will get to the right place automatically.

$CorrespondAddress and $CommentAddress are the default addresses

that will be listed in From: and Reply-To: headers of correspondence

and comment mail tracked by RT, unless overridden by a queue-specific #



#Sendmail Configuration

$MailCommand defines which method RT will use to try to send mail # We

know that ‘sendmailpipe’ works fairly well. # If ‘sendmailpipe’ doesn’t
work well for you, try ‘sendmail’

Note that you should remove the ‘-t’ from $SendmailArguments

if you use 'sendmail rather than ‘sendmailpipe’

$MailCommand = ‘sendmailpipe’;

$SendmailArguments defines what flags to pass to $Sendmail

assuming you picked ‘sendmail’ or ‘sendmailpipe’ as the $MailCommand

above. # If you picked ‘sendmailpipe’, you MUST add a -t flag to

These options are good for most sendmail wrappers and workalikes

$SendmailArguments=“-oi -t”;

These arguments are good for sendmail brand sendmail 8 and newer

#$SendmailArguments=“-oi -t -ODeliveryMode=b -OErrorMode=m”;

If you selected ‘sendmailpipe’ above, you MUST specify the path # to

your sendmail binary in $SendmailPath.

!! If you did not # select ‘sendmailpipe’ above, this has no effect!!

$SendmailPath = “/usr/sbin/sendmail”;

RT can optionally set a “Friendly” ‘To:’ header when sending messages


Ccs or AdminCcs (rather than having a blank ‘To:’ header.


If you are using sendmail, rather than postfix, qmail, exim or some

other MTA, # you must disable this option.

$UseFriendlyToLine = 0;


{{{ Logging

Logging. The default is to log anything except debugging

information to a logfile. Check the Log::Dispatch POD for

information about how to get things by syslog, mail or anything

else, get debugging info in the log, etc.

It might generally make

sense to send error and higher by email to some administrator.

If you do this, be careful that this email isn’t sent to this RT


the minimum level error that will be logged to the specific device.

levels from lowest to highest:

debug info notice warning error critical alert emergency

Mail loops will generate a critical log message.

$LogToScreen = ‘error’;
$LogToFile = ‘error’;
#$LogToFileNamed = “$LogDir/rt.log.”.$$.“.”.$<; #log to
rt.log.. $LogToFileNamed = “$LogDir/rt.log”.$<; #log to


{{{ Web interface configuration

Define the directory name to be used for images in rt web


If you’re putting the web ui somewhere other than at the root of

your server

$WebPath requires a leading / but no trailing /

$WebPath = “”;

This is the Scheme, server and port for constructing urls to webrt

$WebBaseURL doesn’t need a trailing /

$WebBaseURL = “http://RT::WebBaseURL.not.configured:80”;

$WebURL = $WebBaseURL . $WebPath . “/”;

$WebImagesURL points to the base URL where RT can find its images.

If you’re running the FastCGI version of the RT web interface, # you
should make RT’s WebRT/html/NoAuth/images directory available on

a static web server and supply that URL as $WebImagesURL.

$WebImagesURL = $WebURL.“NoAuth/images/”;

$RTLogoURL points to the URL of the RT logo displayed in the web UI

$LogoURL = $WebImagesURL.“rt.jpg”;

If $WebExternalAuth is defined, RT will defer to the environment’s

REMOTE_USER variable.

$WebExternalAuth = undef;

$MasonComponentRoot is where your rt instance keeps its mason html

files # (this should be autoconfigured during ‘make install’ or ‘make

$MasonComponentRoot = “/usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html”;

$MasonLocalComponentRoot is where your rt instance keeps its

site-local # mason html files. # (this should be autoconfigured during
‘make install’ or ‘make upgrade’)

$MasonLocalComponentRoot = “/usr/local/rt2/local/WebRT/html”;

$MasonDataDir Where mason keeps its datafiles

(this should be autoconfigured during ‘make install’ or 'make


$MasonDataDir = “/usr/local/rt2/WebRT/data”;

RT needs to put session data (for preserving state between connections

via the web interface) $MasonSessionDir =


#This is from tobias’ prototype web search UI. it may stay and it may
go. %WebOptions=
# This is for putting in more user-actions at the Transaction
# bar. I will typically add “Enter bug in Bugzilla” here.:
ExtraTransactionActions => sub { return “”; },

 # Here you can modify the list view.  Be aware that the web
 # interface might crash if TicketAttribute is wrongly set.
 QueueListingCols => 
   { Header     => 'Id',
 TicketLink => 1,
 TicketAttribute => 'Id'

  { Header     => 'Subject',
 TicketAttribute => 'Subject'
   { Header => 'Requestor(s)',
 TicketAttribute => 'RequestorsAsString'
   { Header => 'Status',
 TicketAttribute => 'Status'

   { Header => 'Queue',
 TicketAttribute => 'QueueObj->Name'

   { Header => 'Told',
 TicketAttribute => 'ToldObj->AgeAsString'

   { Header => 'Age',
 TicketAttribute => 'CreatedObj->AgeAsString'

   { Header => 'Last',
 TicketAttribute => 'LastUpdatedObj->AgeAsString'

   # TODO: It would be nice with a link here to the Owner and all
   # other request owned by this Owner.
   { Header => 'Owner',
 TicketAttribute => 'OwnerObj->Name'

   { Header     => 'Take',
 TicketLink => 1,
 Constant   => 'Take',
 ExtraLinks => '&Action=Take'



{{{ RT Linking Interface

$TicketBaseURI is the Base path of the URI for local tickets

You shouldn’t need to touch this. it’s used to link tickets both

locally # and remotely

$TicketBaseURI = “$Organization/$rtname/ticket/”;

A hash table of conversion subs to be used for transforming RT Link

URIs to URLs in the web interface. If you want to use RT towards #
locally installed databases, this is the right place to configure it.

‘http’ => sub {return @;},
‘https’ => sub {return @
‘ftp’ => sub {return @_;},
‘’ => sub {warn “stub!”;},
‘’ => sub {warn “stub!”},
‘’ => sub {warn “stub!”}

A hash table of subs for fetching content from an URI

‘’ => sub {warn “stub!”;},
‘’ => sub {warn “stub!”},
‘’ => sub {warn “stub!”}


{{{ No User servicable parts inside

Don’t edit anything below this line unless you really know

what you’re doing

TODO: get this stuff out of the config file and into

#Set up us the timezone
$ENV{‘TZ’} = $Timezone; #TODO: Bogus hack to deal with Date::Manip

Configure sendmail if we’re using Entity->send(‘sendmail’)

if ($MailCommand eq ‘sendmail’) {
$MailParams = $SendmailArguments;



McCool, Scott wrote:

(I’m not sure if this is everything related to RT that I need or not, my
goal here is to have all the RT url’s under http://hostname/rt2 )

You need to change the following in

$WebPath = “”;

Should be ‘$WebPath = “/rt2”;’

$WebBaseURL = “http://RT::WebBaseURL.not.configured:80”;

Should be ‘$WebBaseURL = “http://hostname”;’

Disclaimer: These are the most obvious changes I see–I may not have
caught them all. :^)


Thanks, Paul!

The problem turned out to be a combination of those two things (I’d
actually changed them later in the afternoon after sending my original
email), and the fact that the URL I was using was “http://hostname/rt2”,
while my alias in httpd.conf was for “/rt2/”.

With the config file changes Paul suggested, and the “correct” URL
(http://hostname/rt2/) I can get to the web interface.

Thanks all!

-ScottFrom: Paul Goracke []
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 5:08 PM
To: McCool, Scott
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Problem installing RT – Mason related?

McCool, Scott wrote:

(I’m not sure if this is everything related to RT that I need or not,
my goal here is to have all the RT url’s under http://hostname/rt2 )

You need to change the following in

$WebPath = “”;

Should be ‘$WebPath = “/rt2”;’

$WebBaseURL = “http://RT::WebBaseURL.not.configured:80”;

Should be ‘$WebBaseURL = “http://hostname”;’

Disclaimer: These are the most obvious changes I see–I may not have
caught them all. :^)
