Problem how to display timetaken in czech language

I change my version of RT from version 4.0.13 to 4.2.3.
Time left stopped showing number of minutes if I change setting (in menu
About me) a language from English to Czech.
If language is English or French it work correctly.
Should I change something in my RT_Siteconfig?


I change my version of RT from version 4.0.13 to 4.2.3.
Time left stopped showing number of minutes if I change setting (in menu
About me) a language from English to Czech.
If language is English or French it work correctly.
Should I change something in my RT_Siteconfig?

4.2.3 contained a bunch of language updates, but if I change my local
language to Czech I still see Left: 10 min translated into Czech on

I suspect you need to give specific pages/locations where it breaks or
provide a screenshot.
