Hello all,
I’m having trouble setting up RT 4.4.3 (installed from FreeBSD ports). The problem is that RT sends the login form in response to any request, including for CSS and JS files.
My web server is Apache 2.4, with mod_proxy_fcgi. Running the standalone rt_server
works correctly.
The pertinent part of the Apache config is:
<VirtualHost *:80>
# This directory is guaranteed empty and unmodifiable.
DocumentRoot "/var/empty"
ProxyFCGIBackendType GENERIC
ProxyPass "/" \
<Proxy "*">
Require all granted
<Location "/">
Require all granted
I run rt-server.fcgi via spawn-fcgi:
/usr/local/bin/spawn-fcgi -s /var/run/rt-fcgi/rt-server.fcgi -M 600 -n -u rt -g rt -U www -G www -- /usr/local/sbin/rt-server.fcgi
The FreeBSD port somehow causes RT to put temporary files (“mason_data”/“session_data”) into /var/run/rt44. By default, this directory and its contents belong to the web server user. Because that is not correct in the case of a standalone FastCGI application that is not controlled by the web server, I have made sure that everything now belongs to the “rt” user and is readable and writable for that account. The same for /usr/local/share/rt44, where the port apparently puts the “permanent” files.
My RT_SiteConfig.pm:
Set( $rtname, 'rt.chrullrich.net');
Set($Organization, 'chrullrich.net');
Set($CorrespondAddress, 'rt@rt.chrullrich.net');
Set($CommentAddress, 'rt@rt.chrullrich.net');
Set($WebDomain, 'rt.chrullrich.net');
As soon as as the first request arrives, I get this message in the log:
[warning]: The requested path (‘/’) does NOT match the configured WebPath (). Perhaps you should Set($WebPath, ‘/’ in RT_SiteConfig.pm, otherwise your internal hyperlinks may be broken. (/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/RT/Interface/Web.pm:1344)
I have read up on the message, but I cannot find a way to correct it.
Thanks for any help.