Problem after an upgrade to 3.8.1

Dear RT-Users,

I have a really recent RT 3.6.7 installation (around 200 tickets)
running on CentOS 5.2.
I was able to upgrade to 3.8.0 without problems.
The problems appear when I tried to upgrade either from 3.6.7 to 3.8.1
or from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1. A fresh 3.8.1 installation works fine.
After the upgrade, when I try to access the web interface I only
receive a blank page.
In my apache error log file, the following message is present:
Out of memory!
Callback called exit.
I got the same error when I tried to use “rt-clean-sessions”.
Using ‘perl -d’, I tracked down the error to
RT::Interface::Web::Session::ClearByUser line 246
eval { tie %session, $class, $id, $attrs };
-> $class=Apache::Session::MySQL
-> $id=3d97a1c2c09740acfee006d0221d1d12
-> attrs is an empty hash

I tried to remove all the existing sessions in the database : delete
from sessions;
And it was working fine for 5 minutes. Then the same error rise again.

Did I missed something in the upgrade process?
Do you have a suggestion?



I had this issue as well - luckily I was running in a Virtual Machine, so I upped the allocated memory from 1Gig to 2Gig and the problem went away. It looks like RT is a bit of a memory pig (in the nicest possible way!) How much memory do you have in your machine?

David----- Original Message -----
From: “Sebastien Termeau”
Sent: Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 11:22:13 PM GMT +10:00 Brisbane
Subject: [rt-users] Problem after an upgrade to 3.8.1

Dear RT-Users,

I have a really recent RT 3.6.7 installation (around 200 tickets)
running on CentOS 5.2.
I was able to upgrade to 3.8.0 without problems.
The problems appear when I tried to upgrade either from 3.6.7 to 3.8.1
or from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1. A fresh 3.8.1 installation works fine.
After the upgrade, when I try to access the web interface I only
receive a blank page.
In my apache error log file, the following message is present:
Out of memory!
Callback called exit.
I got the same error when I tried to use “rt-clean-sessions”.
Using ‘perl -d’, I tracked down the error to
RT::Interface::Web::Session::ClearByUser line 246
eval { tie %session, $class, $id, $attrs };
→ $class=Apache::Session::MySQL
→ $id=3d97a1c2c09740acfee006d0221d1d12
→ attrs is an empty hash

I tried to remove all the existing sessions in the database : delete
from sessions;
And it was working fine for 5 minutes. Then the same error rise again.

Did I missed something in the upgrade process?
Do you have a suggestion?


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David Hobley

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Fax: +61 (7) 5539 6719
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Hello David,

The problem looks like the session table is being corrupted.
I modified the schema using: ALTER TABLE sessions CHANGE a_session
a_session LONGBLOB;
Now everything seems to be working fine.
By the way, I am also using a virtual machine. 256Mo were enough for
3.8.0. I increased the available memory to 512Mo but this did not
solved the problem.
I hope this trick will solve your problem.

SebastienOn Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 4:36 AM, David Hobley wrote:


I had this issue as well - luckily I was running in a Virtual Machine, so I
upped the allocated memory from 1Gig to 2Gig and the problem went away. It
looks like RT is a bit of a memory pig (in the nicest possible way!) How
much memory do you have in your machine?


----- Original Message -----
From: “Sebastien Termeau”
Sent: Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 11:22:13 PM GMT +10:00 Brisbane
Subject: [rt-users] Problem after an upgrade to 3.8.1

Dear RT-Users,

I have a really recent RT 3.6.7 installation (around 200 tickets)
running on CentOS 5.2.
I was able to upgrade to 3.8.0 without problems.
The problems appear when I tried to upgrade either from 3.6.7 to 3.8.1
or from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1. A fresh 3.8.1 installation works fine.
After the upgrade, when I try to access the web interface I only
receive a blank page.
In my apache error log file, the following message is present:
Out of memory!
Callback called exit.
I got the same error when I tried to use “rt-clean-sessions”.
Using ‘perl -d’, I tracked down the error to
RT::Interface::Web::Session::ClearByUser line 246
eval { tie %session, $class, $id, $attrs };
→ $class=Apache::Session::MySQL
→ $id=3d97a1c2c09740acfee006d0221d1d12
→ attrs is an empty hash

I tried to remove all the existing sessions in the database : delete
from sessions;
And it was working fine for 5 minutes. Then the same error rise again.

Did I missed something in the upgrade process?
Do you have a suggestion?


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David Hobley

IT Manager
Creators of Miessence, MiVitality and MiEnviron

Phone: +61 (7) 5582 7020
Fax: +61 (7) 5539 6719
USA Fax 1800 840 0827
Email :

Sebastien Termeau
IT Operations @ mobilePeople
Tel: +45 2945 2948