Privileges & Approvals

Hi Folks,

Using Version 4.4.4
I have a three tier approval system for change management though I am having a few issues trying to lock down privileges. There are three user groups:

  1. Technical
  2. Security
  3. Commercial

Please see my approval template below…

===Create-Ticket: technical-approval
Subject: Technical Approval for {$Tickets{TOP}->Id} - {$Tickets{TOP}->Subject}
Queue: ___Approvals
Owner: technical
Requestors: {$Tickets{TOP}->RequestorAddresses}
AdminCcGroup: technical
Type: approval
Depended-On-By: TOP
Content-Type: text/plain
Due: {time + 3*24*60*60}
Content: Technical approval required. Please review the change and approve/deny accordingly.


===Create-Ticket: security-approval
Subject: Security Approval for {$Tickets{TOP}->Id} - {$Tickets{TOP}->Subject}
Queue: ___Approvals
Owner: security
Requestors: {$Tickets{TOP}->RequestorAddresses}
AdminCcGroup: security
Type: approval
Depended-On-By: TOP
Depends-On: technical-approval
Content-Type: text/plain
Due: {time + 3*24*60*60}
Content: Security approval required. Please review the change and approve/deny accordingly.


===Create-Ticket: commercial-approval
Subject: Operational Approval for {$Tickets{TOP}->Id} - {$Tickets{TOP}->Subject}
Depended-On-By: TOP
Depends-On: security-approval
Queue: ___Approvals
Owner: commercial
Requestors: {$Tickets{TOP}->RequestorAddresses}
AdminCcGroup: commercial
Type: approval
Content-Type: text/plain
Due: {time + 3*24*60*60}
Content: Commercial approval required. Please review the change and approve/deny accordingly.


My problem is that Commercial needs to only be able to view the __Approval Tickets and the Change Requests. Though, Commercial has the ability to click on the Approval tickets that generated and change security and technical.

How can i lock this down further? Is there a way to achieve the approval by making Commercial unprivileged? Commercial should have no other Admin like access.


You can limit who can edit ___Approvals by limiting the rights to edit tickets at the queue level for the ___Approvals queue ( I believe if you search for ___Approvals and allow disabled you can get to the queue admin page for approvals ).

For example, you could only give ShowTicket and SeeQueue to members of group Commercial and then give more rights to the other groups.