Priority Exceeds scripcondition

Okay, is ANYONE using the PriorityExceeds ScripCondition? If so, what kind of luck have you had with it? I have it setup where the priority exceeds 3 different levels different warnings go out, but if it exceeds a level higher than the one prior, I don’t want the prior warning going out, so I need a PriorityBetween scrip instead… Now, above that… I think this scrip fires everytime a transaction goes through… ANY transaction, not just a priorty change transaction… Is this the intended behavior? If not, I’ll figure out whats wrong and submit a patch, unless someone has already fixed it and has not made it public…

(this one is VERY useful, but has been disabled because of the annoyingness factor…)

So, that condition is “IfPriorityExceeds.”

It fires if the priority is over a certain threshold. that is the desired

You want to build a new Condition for ‘IfPriorityBecomes’ or somesuch…On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 01:18:34PM -0600, Jay Kramer wrote:

Okay, is ANYONE using the PriorityExceeds ScripCondition? If so, what kind of luck have you had with it? I have it setup where the priority exceeds 3 different levels different warnings go out, but if it exceeds a level higher than the one prior, I don’t want the prior warning going out, so I need a PriorityBetween scrip instead… Now, above that… I think this scrip fires everytime a transaction goes through… ANY transaction, not just a priorty change transaction… Is this the intended behavior? If not, I’ll figure out whats wrong and submit a patch, unless someone has already fixed it and has not made it public…

(this one is VERY useful, but has been disabled because of the annoyingness factor…) – Trouble Ticketing. Free.