Here is a pretty simple patch that will allow WikiText or HTML formatting on articles to be inserted into tickets. I’d appreciate any feedback, especially on what would be needed to get this merged into RT.
← btb:insert-article-html
opened 12:43AM - 29 Aug 19 UTC
Articles with Text or WikiText fields can display wiki/html formatting with no p… roblem, but it is currently not possible to insert the article into a ticket reply with the formatting intact. This patch (when `MessageBoxRichText` is enabled) allows these custom fields to be rendered into a ticket message using the same standard `ShowCustomField*` elements as when viewing the article. This also means that tags other than those in `@SCRUBBER_ALLOWED_TAGS` will be scrubbed.
The article's Name and the custom field titles (if enabled) are formatted as html headings. Multi-value fields are rendered as html lists.
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