Prepopulating RT Tags RT::Extension::Tags

Hi, we’re in the process of looking at RT::Extension::Tags … and I’d like to start by giving users a prepopulated list of tags that we would like them to use.

We have a list of words… but… you can’t copy / paste multiple words into the tags field - it’s only processed as a tag when you hit “space” or “comma”.

If you create a set of text that contains spaces, commas, carriage returns etc - these are all treated as content when you paste - rather than allowing it to trigger creating a new tag. For example:

Copy / paste:
tag01 tag02

and then:

will result in 3x tags created… but typing the exact same string results in the desired output (creates 2x tags called tag01 and tag02, and links them to the ticket).

I’ve tried different browsers, different special characters, escaping… any clues or suggestions for if this is possible?


also curious if there are any cluebats out there about suggesting tags based upon ticket content?

I’ve just used load data infile to load a list, but… just saying…

load data local infile '/tmp/taglist' into table CustomFieldValues fields terminated by ',' (CustomField,Name);