Possible to strip rtname from subject in specific cases?

Previous email to the list brought back to my mind an issue we have. We need
to send emails to
another tool from RT and this tool scans the start of the subject line, so
we need to
strip rtname from the subject line somehow (or at least move it to the end).
Is there a way to do this?



Take a look at the following wiki entry to move $rtname to the end of
the subject,


You can also arbitrarily customize the subject line with

EdOn 31-Oct-07, at 7:11 AM, Dorothea Muecke-Herzberg wrote:

Previous email to the list brought back to my mind an issue we
have. We need to send emails to
another tool from RT and this tool scans the start of the subject
line, so we need to
strip rtname from the subject line somehow (or at least move it to
the end).
Is there a way to do this?


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Hi Doro,

I needed a way to strip the ticket info from the subject line also, but
couldn’t find anything within RT that would let me do this. I ended up
modifying the SetSubjectToken method of Sendmail.pm so that I could
selectively turn off the feature that adds the [myrt #1234] token to the
beginning of the subject.

To disable the “add ticket info” feature, you add a “secret code” to the
beginning of the subject line in your template. If the code is there, my
mod strips it and then sends the e-mail with the original subject line
unchanged. If the code isn’t there, the subject line gets modified as
usual. You set a variable ($DisableSubjectToken) in RT_SiteConfig.pm to
some random sequence of characters that are not likely to ever show up at
the beginning of one of your ticket subjects and prepend that variable to
your subject line in your template when you want to turn off ticket stamping.

It may be overkill, but it works great for us and stays out of the way
unless I need it. Here’s where you can find it:


The documentation might be a little muddy, so feel free to ask if you can’t
figure it out.


At 04:11 AM 10/31/2007, Dorothea Muecke-Herzberg wrote:

Previous email to the list brought back to my mind an issue we have. We
need to send emails to
another tool from RT and this tool scans the start of the subject line, so
we need to
strip rtname from the subject line somehow (or at least move it to the end).
Is there a way to do this?


Gene LeDuc, GSEC
Security Analyst
San Diego State University