Position of the ticket number in the subject


The number of the ticket is placed on the left of the subject.
I need to put a ticket number on the right side of the subject. Is that

Current issue:
[Test # 857490] Problems slowness …

I need to change to:
Problems slow … [Test # 857490]


The number of the ticket is placed on the left of the subject.
I need to put a ticket number on the right side of the subject. Is that

Edit all templates and put the following line at the beginning:

See autoreply template as reference.

Other way is to patch RT. Subject tag is placed in one place, so it
would be easy patch and you wouldn’t need to change every template.

Current issue:
[Test # 857490] Problems slowness …

I need to change to:
Problems slow … [Test # 857490]

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)

  • Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

Best regards, Ruslan.