Please help me!!!
As I had mentioned in my previous mail I need your help on 2 accounts.
I need to change the look & feel of the Queue owners page, where messages are seen & replied, Please tell me which file do I need to edit & I guess I will need to re-complie it so how shoul dI do that.
2.I do not want Email Headers & Mime info "(in case of HTML format)emails to be displayed in the queue owners screen.
How to remove it.
I really hope for ur reply,
thanks & reg
I need to change the look & feel of the Queue owners page, where messages are seen & replied, Please tell me which file do I need to edit & I guess I will need to re-complie it so how shoul dI do that.
in your source tree, edit the files lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm,
lib/rt/ui/web/forms.pm and lib/rt/ui/web/support.pm.
2.I do not want Email Headers & Mime info "(in case of HTML format)emails to be displayed in the queue owners screen.
How to remove it.
in your source tree you edit the file lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm. change
“all” in the line
HI Frank,
Thnaks a millions BOSS!!!
It worked…great…actua;;ly i was not doing the :make upgrade"
Can u also help me 2 issues…
If somebody sends an HTML format Email to RT queue, it is displayed with HTML code and some other info…
Is ther anyway to get the HTML junk out, Actually now a adys a lot of people use HTML format emails.
I want the source code of admin-webrt.cgi & webrt.cgi.
Where can i get this.
Also if i make any changes to this file then how to complie it so that it works
Is there anyway that the messages in a queue thread are
displayed, in the recerse order ie. the latest conversation on top.