Pleae Help me. How to config passphrase for multi private key?

How to config passphrase for multi private key?

I need help.

How can I config each passphrase for multi private key?

I use pgp module with RT.
Now I can set only one passphrase for private key. but I have difference
passphrase with many private keys.

This is my configuration file.

Custom GPG

Set(%GnuPG, Enable => 1, OutgoingMessagesFormat => ‘Inline’,
AllowEncryptDataInDB=>0, RejectOnMissingPrivateKey => 1, RejectOnBadData =>
Set(@MailPlugins, ‘Auth::MailFrom’, ‘Auth::GnuPG’);
Set(%GnuPGOptions, ‘homedir’ => ‘/opt/rt4/keys’, ‘passphrase’ =>
‘mypassphrase’, ‘keyserver’ => ‘hkp://’,
‘no-permission-warning’ => undef);

Can anybody tell me? how to solve this problem?

Thank you very much.


If I don’t remember bad you can use gpgagent to store multiple passphrase of multiple keys, and people from SWITCH-CERT did document how to use the GPGAgent within RT (, have a look and it may be a approach to solve your problem.

CarlosEl 25/09/2013, a las 12:58, Jetsada Changsisang escribió:

How to config passphrase for multi private key?

I need help.

How can I config each passphrase for multi private key?

I use pgp module with RT.
Now I can set only one passphrase for private key. but I have difference passphrase with many private keys.

This is my configuration file.

Custom GPG

Set(%GnuPG, Enable => 1, OutgoingMessagesFormat => ‘Inline’, AllowEncryptDataInDB=>0, RejectOnMissingPrivateKey => 1, RejectOnBadData => 1);
Set(@MailPlugins, ‘Auth::MailFrom’, ‘Auth::GnuPG’);
Set(%GnuPGOptions, ‘homedir’ => ‘/opt/rt4/keys’, ‘passphrase’ => ‘mypassphrase’, ‘keyserver’ => ‘hkp://’, ‘no-permission-warning’ => undef);

Can anybody tell me? how to solve this problem?

Thank you very much.

RT Training in New York, October 8th and 9th:

Carlos Fuentes Bermejo
Security Engineer. IRIS-CERT

Tel.: +34 91 212 76 20 (Ext. 5583)
Mobile: + 34 675 54 41 69
PGP Key ID: 0xF20D4295 2004-06-24
Fingerprint: ED02 A355 71B6 702A 5907 2571 8C2C E601 F20D 4295


signature.asc (203 Bytes)