Permissions Disabled?

This may be a knucklehead question but I’m kind of at a loss. I have an
instance of RT3(3.0.10) running. It was originally a v2 instance,
upgraded to 3.0.0 then to current 3.0.10. I was doing some work and
noticed that the rights/ permissions stuff doesn’t seem to be taking
effect. i.e. I’ve added a new user who can be granted rights but hasn’t
been granted any and is not a member of any group and yet they still
seem to have free reign to do what they like in the system. I’m guessing
I missed something along the way but I haven’t been able to find it. Any
help is greatly appreciated

What rights do you have as the admin? Check your own account first.
It sounds like rights you are granting, you don’t have rights to grant.

Also make sure in the specific queue you attempted to grant rights to, that you
have rights to grant rights in that queue.

I love RT. :slight_smile:

This may be a knucklehead question but I’m kind of at a loss. I have an
instance of RT3(3.0.10) running. It was originally a v2 instance,
upgraded to 3.0.0 then to current 3.0.10. I was doing some work and
noticed that the rights/ permissions stuff doesn’t seem to be taking
effect. i.e. I’ve added a new user who can be granted rights but hasn’t
been granted any and is not a member of any group and yet they still
seem to have free reign to do what they like in the system. I’m guessing
I missed something along the way but I haven’t been able to find it. Any
help is greatly appreciated

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Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

The account I log in as to add the user has SuperUser rights. The newly
created account has no rights assigned at either the Global level or the
Queue level. So I then open a completely different browser (i.e. admining
in firebird and open a konqueror session) to log in as the new user and
the new user can do whatever they want, includind global configuration
changes. I’m very confused by this.

I too love RT, in that very special kind of way… ; )


It’s seems fuzzy now but I think on Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 09:38:03AM -0800 , Dave Dennis said:

Eric Liedtke wrote:

The account I log in as to add the user has SuperUser rights. The newly
created account has no rights assigned at either the Global level or the
Queue level. So I then open a completely different browser (i.e. admining
in firebird and open a konqueror session) to log in as the new user and
the new user can do whatever they want, includind global configuration
changes. I’m very confused by this.

Do you have excessive rights granted to the Everyone or Privileged
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POP!!! The anal-cranal loopback has been removed. I don’t know how many
times I can look at one screen and miss the obvious over the course of
an entire day. Thanks fella’s.


It’s seems fuzzy now but I think on Wed, Mar 31, 2004 at 08:21:47AM +1000 , Phil Homewood said: