Perl and mysql

When using a query like where the query_string is a select that returns multiple
rows of a column in the database

$result = $dbh->Query($query_string) or warn “Query had some problem: $Mysql::db_errstr\n”;

eg. I may be getting this to return every name starting with ‘M’ therefore it
should return Matt,Mike,Malcom

but how do I get these values out I have tried a few things and the alot of
the online stuff I have looked at says that this should work…

@arr = $result->fetchrow;

but this only ever returns the first returned result from the query and that
is it.

I appologise for this not being a 100% rt problem but I figure there just maybe
one of you out there that can help me.

Matthew Frick.

This works for me:

$db_handle = DBI->connect
$username, $password, $dbi_options )
|| die (“Connection error: $DBI::errstr”);

$result = $db_handle->prepare(“SELECT * FROM $TABLE”);

while (my ($owner, $address, $nickname, $fullname) =


print “$owner, $address, $nickname, $fullname\n”;

}On Mon, 06 Aug 2001, Matthew Frick wrote:

When using a query like where the query_string is a select that returns multiple
rows of a column in the database

$result = $dbh->Query($query_string) or warn “Query had some problem: $Mysql::db_errstr\n”;

eg. I may be getting this to return every name starting with ‘M’ therefore it
should return Matt,Mike,Malcom

but how do I get these values out I have tried a few things and the alot of
the online stuff I have looked at says that this should work…

@arr = $result->fetchrow;

but this only ever returns the first returned result from the query and that
is it.

I appologise for this not being a 100% rt problem but I figure there just maybe
one of you out there that can help me.

Matthew Frick.

rt-users mailing list

Micah Anderson
Collective Technologies

“To be and not to do is not to be at all”