FreeformMultiple is created using HTML textarea, so only one
value is returned from the browser. RT 3.x currently treats
as a single value and stores all values in one CF with embedded
newlines. This patch fixes it so they are treated as
separate CF values.
Index: Interface/
ā Interface/ (revision 1634)
+++ Interface/ (working copy)
@@ -294,8 +294,18 @@
foreach my $arg (%ARGS) {
if ($arg =~ /^CustomField-(\d+)(.*?)$/) {
my $cfid = $1; next if ($arg =~ /-Magic$/);
$create_args{"CustomField-".$1} = $ARGS{"$arg"};
my $cf = new RT::CustomField( $RT::SystemUser );
if ($cf->Type eq 'FreeformMultiple') {
$ARGS{$arg} =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
$ARGS{$arg} = [split('\n', $ARGS{$arg})];
}$create_args{"CustomField-".$cfid} = $ARGS{"$arg"}; }