Parsing Email Subject to insert into Custom Field

We have recently hired an outside company to be our “Tier-One” tech
support. Every call they log sends us an email. We are filtering out the
“Escalation” tickets and having those one added to our Helpdesk RT queue
(Thanks to procmail). Now we need to parse the subject line of these
Escalated tickets and pull out the “Tier-One” Call ID # and have that dumped
into a custom field. My perl skills are limited to none, so I have tried to
put together a few other scrips that I user and/or found to create one, but
it is not working as I expect (it seems like it does nothing at all, either
never applied, or is applied, but does not fill in the CustomField)… so I
come to the exports to look over my work…

Every one of the incoming “Escalation” emails will have a set FROM and
SUBJECT field…
SUBJECT: FooBar Helpdesk Call - 1234567 - Escalation

Condition: On Create
Action: User Defined
Template: Global template: Blank
Stage: TransactionCreate

–left blank–


Setup the check for the email address

my $from_address = ‘’;

Get who created this ticket and exit if it doesn’t

match the system address from above

my $requestor_address = lc($self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses);
if ($requestor_address ne $from_address) {

Not from my company, so don’t want to parse the subject line

return 0;
} else {
return 1;


Extract fields from e-mail

my $MyName = “Scrip DNS:35:Commit (New Ticket)”;

my $Transaction = $self->TransactionObj;
my $CurrentUser = $Transaction->CurrentUser;
my $Ticket = $self->TicketObj;
my $qNagme = 2;
my $NewPri = 90;
my $Content = $Ticket->Subject;

The seperator is

my $sep = " - ";
chomp $sep;
$Content =~ s/\A$sep\n//s;
chomp $Content;
my ($issueCO, $issueID, $issueType) = split($sep, $Content);
set_custom(‘Escalation_ID’,$issueID, 0);

set_custom(‘Escalation_Type’, $issueType, 0);

set_custom(‘Incoming_Co’, $userCO, 0);

Leave this until last, it triggers the ack e-mail to requestor


Sets custom field value

Usage: set_custom($field_name, $field_value, $record_transaction)

sub set_custom {
my ($CFName, $CFValue, $record) = @_;
my $cf = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
my ($id,$msg) = $cf->LoadByName(Name=>$CFName,);
if (!$id) {
$RT::Logger->debug(“$MyName: Couldn’t load CF ($CFName)”);
return undef;
($id, $msg) = $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue
(Field=>$cf, Value=>$CFValue, RecordTransaction=>$record ? $record :

Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem
your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone then in bad
company. - George Washington, Rules of Civility

We have recently hired an outside company to be our “Tier-One” tech support. Every call they
log sends us an email. We are filtering out the “Escalation” tickets and having those one
added to our Helpdesk RT queue (Thanks to procmail). Now we need to parse the subject line of
these Escalated tickets and pull out the “Tier-One” Call ID # and have that dumped into a
custom field. My perl skills are limited to none, so I have tried to put together a few other
scrips that I user and/or found to create one, but it is not working as I expect (it seems
like it does nothing at all, either never applied, or is applied, but does not fill in the
CustomField)… so I come to the exports to look over my work…

The RT-Extension-ExtractCustomFieldValues was designed for the parsing
part of your task, although you may need a little extra code to handle
the From checking.

If it isn’t firing at all, you probably want to use RT::Logger in your
Preparation code
