Pager notification scrip?

I’m looking for some code to email a very stripped down template I’ve
created (queue, ticket number, and subject) to an email address or
addresses of pagers “OnCreate”. I’m sure it’s trivial, but I can’t seem
to find the right commands to use in the “Custom action” sections. Can
someone give me a pointer or some help on this?


Well you could just create a distribution lists on an smtp server,
exchange, lotus notes or something and make that e-mail address of that
distribution list the admin or cc watchers of that queue, and then
create a scrip to notify requestors, cc and admin on create using
template like autoreply or a custom one.

Michael-----Original Message-----
From: Daryl G. Jurbala []
Posted At: Friday, September 05, 2003 5:12 PM
Posted To: RT
Conversation: Pager notification scrip?
Subject: [rt-users] Pager notification scrip?

I’m looking for some code to email a very stripped down template I’ve
created (queue, ticket number, and subject) to an email address or
addresses of pagers “OnCreate”. I’m sure it’s trivial, but I can’t seem
to find the right commands to use in the “Custom action” sections. Can
someone give me a pointer or some help on this?

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