Outgoing reply/comments HTML

Dear RT,

I’m trying to configure RT 4.0 to send all outgoing mails using HTML
instead of plain text to include all hyperlinks/tables. I edited
Sendmail.pm to following:

my $type = ‘text/html’;

RT now send all emails in HTML but all formatting is still lost, could you
pls let me know which part handles HTML stripping for reply/comments?



I’m trying to configure RT 4.0 to send all outgoing mails using HTML instead of plain text to
include all hyperlinks/tables. I edited Sendmail.pm to following:
my $type = ‘text/html’;
RT now send all emails in HTML but all formatting is still lost, could you pls let me know
which part handles HTML stripping for reply/comments? Thanks

This is documented in docs/customizing/templates.pod - your change will
break things. You should be able to find many emails to the list about
html mail that point to this piece of documentation with a quick
