One user - multiple email addresses


I have to wear a couple of hats here - handling tickets for what appear to
be two companies to the outside world. Call them Company A and Company B :wink:
I have an email account under each companies name for talking to clients.

Currently, there are two queues, and I have two separate logins, each with a
seperate email address.

But while this keeps up appearances with the outside world, it obviously
makes management more difficult. I figure that this problem must have come
up before for other people, so I was wondering if anyone had a more elegant
solution (if one exists).

We can take this onto the development list if it would be more appropiate
there (although my coding time is quite limited at the moment).


Each queue can have it’s own e-mail address. So if you give your user
access to both queues either through groups or through user permissions
one login will have access to both. As long as you’re corresponding
with the ticket in the right queue the e-mail will come from that queues
e-mail address.

Sam Stickland wrote:


I have to wear a couple of hats here - handling tickets for what appear to
be two companies to the outside world. Call them Company A and Company B :wink:
I have an email account under each companies name for talking to clients.

Currently, there are two queues, and I have two separate logins, each with a
seperate email address.

But while this keeps up appearances with the outside world, it obviously
makes management more difficult. I figure that this problem must have come
up before for other people, so I was wondering if anyone had a more elegant
solution (if one exists).

We can take this onto the development list if it would be more appropiate
there (although my coding time is quite limited at the moment).


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Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

With regards,


This e.mail is private and confidential between Multiplay (UK) Ltd. and the person or entity to whom it is addressed. In the event of misdirection, the recipient is prohibited from using, copying, printing or otherwise disseminating it or any information contained in it.

In the event of misdirection, illegible or incomplete transmission please telephone (023) 8024 3137
or return the E.mail to

I have to wear a couple of hats here - handling tickets for what appear to
be two companies to the outside world. Call them Company A and Company B :wink:
I have an email account under each companies name for talking to clients.

Currently, there are two queues, and I have two separate logins, each with a
seperate email address.

But while this keeps up appearances with the outside world, it obviously
makes management more difficult. I figure that this problem must have come
up before for other people, so I was wondering if anyone had a more elegant
solution (if one exists).

We can take this onto the development list if it would be more appropiate
there (although my coding time is quite limited at the moment).

Can you please explain better what makes management more difficult? You
have 2 company’s customers and you want to mix them, and when the
correspondence goes to the customer is masqueraded as the right company?

Paulo Matos

|Sys & Net Admin | Servi�o de Inform�tica |
|Faculdade de Ci�ncias e Tecnologia | Tel: +351-21-2948596 |
|Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Fax: +351-21-2948548 |
|P-2829-516 Caparica | e-Mail: |

We can take this onto the development list if it would be more appropiate
there (although my coding time is quite limited at the moment).

nope, this is fine for rt-users.

I have to wear a couple of hats here - handling tickets for what appear to
be two companies to the outside world. Call them Company A and Company B :wink:
I have an email account under each companies name for talking to clients.

Currently, there are two queues, and I have two separate logins, each with a
seperate email address.

But while this keeps up appearances with the outside world, it obviously
makes management more difficult. I figure that this problem must have come
up before for other people, so I was wondering if anyone had a more elegant
solution (if one exists).

I might be missing something, but since RT sends email as being from
the queue, what does it matter that you’re using 2 separate accounts?
You should be able to just use 1 account to talk to RT, and let RT do
all the talking to the external people.


seph wrote:

I have to wear a couple of hats here - handling tickets for what
appear to be two companies to the outside world. Call them Company A
and Company B :wink: I have an email account under each companies name
for talking to clients.

Currently, there are two queues, and I have two separate logins,
each with a seperate email address.

But while this keeps up appearances with the outside world, it
obviously makes management more difficult. I figure that this
problem must have come up before for other people, so I was
wondering if anyone had a more elegant solution (if one exists).

I might be missing something, but since RT sends email as being from
the queue, what does it matter that you’re using 2 separate accounts?
You should be able to just use 1 account to talk to RT, and let RT do
all the talking to the external people.

Yep, you’re right. Overworked at the moment and I wasn’t thinking straight.
Of course, my replies will be rewritten into and, so this is a non-issue.

We can take this onto the development list if it would be more
appropiate there (although my coding time is quite limited at the

nope, this is fine for rt-users.

Particulary considering my muddled thinking today :wink:

I guess my question becomes a far simply one of whether it’s possible to
have different subject prefixes per queue, but hopefully I can at least
figure that out for myself. :wink:


I guess my question becomes a far simply one of whether it’s possible to
have different subject prefixes per queue, but hopefully I can at least
figure that out for myself. :wink:

not by default, rt’s subject prefix is designed to be how rt finds
tickets, and knows its own. . I’ve seen various patches on the mailing
lists that change the behavior though.


I guess my question becomes a far simply one of whether it’s possible to
have different subject prefixes per queue, but hopefully I can at least
figure that out for myself. :wink:

not by default, rt’s subject prefix is designed to be how rt finds
tickets, and knows its own. . I’ve seen various patches on the mailing
lists that change the behavior though.

I think it would be an improvement on the email side if
each queue had the option of supplying its own text
portion of the subject line. Since the number is the
unique identifier it shouldn’t change any functionality.
We have some queues used only for high-priority problems
and it would be nice if the email notifications could
be distinguished from the subject line while tickets are
in these queues.

Les Mikesell

Les Mikesell wrote:

I think it would be an improvement on the email side if
each queue had the option of supplying its own text
portion of the subject line. Since the number is the
unique identifier it shouldn’t change any functionality.

The number is only unique within an RT instance. The
rtname part is required to distinguish tickets belonging
to different RT instances. There’s nothing wrong with
adding subject tags per-queue, though, and it’s even
doable by editing only the templates.
Phil Homewood, Systems Janitor, Ph: +61 7 3435 2810 Fx: +61 7 3891 3630
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