One email address, two queues

I searched through the archives but didn’t see anything that may have pertained
to this.

I have two queues: CustomerCare and CCEng (CustomerCare for Engineering). Is it
possible to have one email address for both of these queues so that if a ticket
is moved from one queue to the other it can still be handled using a single
email address?

To clarify, suppose I have a ticket. It is sent in from the customer to This places it in the CustomerCare queue. It then
gets moved to CCEng as it is an engineering related request. After moving it to
the CCEng queue, the customer sends in a comment on it via and it reaches the ticket in CCEng.

Possible or no?

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When it’s a comment, it doesn’t pay attention to the queue parameter, I

Steve Anderson
Network Administrator
BiP Solutions Ltd.
0141 2707312-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mathew
Sent: 25 July 2007 14:01
To: RT Users
Subject: [rt-users] One email address, two queues

I searched through the archives but didn’t see anything that may have
to this.

I have two queues: CustomerCare and CCEng (CustomerCare for
Engineering). Is it
possible to have one email address for both of these queues so that if a
is moved from one queue to the other it can still be handled using a
email address?

To clarify, suppose I have a ticket. It is sent in from the customer to This places it in the CustomerCare queue. It
gets moved to CCEng as it is an engineering related request. After
moving it to
the CCEng queue, the customer sends in a comment on it via and it reaches the ticket in CCEng.

Possible or no?

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This email has been scanned by Netintelligence

Comments don’t go to the requestor though. We’ll need to be able to both
comment and correspond.

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Steve Anderson wrote:

Hi Matthew;
I think this is default behaviour (unless I misunderstood your
question), as soon as the ticket is created and your customer replies to
the auto-responder, RT will understand this correspondence belongs to an
existing RT ticket based on the subject line (your rt #ticket number)
… if you are concerned about the from address I think (I did n’t try
it) you can set the Reply Address on both your queue to


Mathew Snyder wrote:

How would the aliases file be configured for this. As it is, CustomerCare uses
“–queue customercare” while CCEng uses “–queue cceng”.

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Roy El-Hames wrote:


How would the aliases file be configured for this. As it is, CustomerCare uses
“–queue customercare” while CCEng uses “–queue cceng”.

Trying to keep up with you :�) , yes cause the email alias can only
point to 1 queue ( as far as I know), however this should n’t effect
your customer experience …
Best bet to try it …create a ticket via email move the ticket to
another queue, etc etc …practice makes perfect or something like that …

Good luck;
Roy (wondering when will someone answer his query :�)

How would the aliases file be configured for this. As it is,
CustomerCare uses
“–queue customercare” while CCEng uses “–queue cceng”.

Trying to keep up with you :�) , yes cause the email alias can only
point to 1 queue ( as far as I know), however this should n’t effect
your customer experience …
Best bet to try it …create a ticket via email move the ticket to
another queue, etc etc …practice makes perfect or something like that …

This is how we’ve got RT set up - multiple queues, one email address. If
it’s a reply to an existing ticket ‘the right thing happens’ and it gets
added to the ticket, if not, a new ticket is created in the queue
specified in aliases.


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How is your aliases file set up? I haven’t added the CCEng alias to mine and my
responses TO the ticket are getting through however, I’m not getting the servers
responses FROM my ticket.

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Toby Darling wrote:

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf
Of Mathew Snyder
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 10:00 AM
To: Toby Darling
Cc: RT Users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] One email address, two queues

How is your aliases file set up? I haven’t added the CCEng
alias to mine and my
responses TO the ticket are getting through however, I’m not
getting the servers
responses FROM my ticket.

Once a ticket number is created, further correspondence on that ticket
(identified by the “[ #xxx]” in the subject line) goes to the
ticket, regardless of the queue. At least that’s been my experience.

I’ve got a 3.6.1. installation that’s pretty much vanilla. We have a
single queue in which almost all tickets are opened. From there, they
get assigned to one of a half-dozen or so other queues for action.

The basic queue is set up as
rt: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue Systems --action correspond
rt-comment: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue Systems --action
comment --url

while the others are set up as
dbtasks: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue Database --action
correspond --url
dbtasks-comment: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue Database
–action comment --url
newusers: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue NewUsers --action
correspond --url
builds: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue Builds --action correspond
builds-comment: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue Builds --action
comment --url

We do have folks who will respond to the autoreply (with the proper
subject line) to add more information, and those get to the right place
even if the ticket has been moved to a different queue – regardless of
whether they send the mail to the rt@ address, or one of the
queue-specific addresses.

As for mail going back out on correspond, that seems to work just the
way that one would expect. Of course, once the ticket has been moved,
the templates/scrips/etc are the ones for the new queue – so watchers
and so on need to be added to the new queue as well as the old one.

Is RT logging anything that might give you a hint?

In the queue config, did you just leave the “reply” and “comment”
addresses blank, or did you explicitly set them to be the same as the
customercare address?


How is your aliases file set up? I haven’t added the CCEng alias to mine and my
responses TO the ticket are getting through however, I’m not getting the servers
responses FROM my ticket.

Is that because of the NotifyActor thingy (sorry can’t remember the
actual function), but in some RT setups RT would not send a notification
to the submitter of the update …
Have you checked that??