On Owner change set owner as AdminCC

I’m trying to figure out how to write a scrip that will add a ticket
owner as an AdminCC. This way even if the owner changes, each person who
has ever owned the ticket will be on the AdminCC list.

I’m still very new to writing scrips so I may be missing something obvious.

Any suggestions?

This is what I have:

Condition: On Owner Change
Action: User Defined
Template: Global template: blank

Custom action preparation code: return 1;
Custom action cleanup code:

my $admincclist = $self->TicketObj->AdminCc;

my $Owner = $self->TicketObj->Owner;


I’m trying to figure out how to write a scrip that will add a ticket
owner as an AdminCC. This way even if the owner changes, each person who
has ever owned the ticket will be on the AdminCC list.

I’m still very new to writing scrips so I may be missing something obvious.

Any suggestions?

This is what I have:

Condition: On Owner Change
Action: User Defined
Template: Global template: blank

Custom action preparation code: return 1;
Custom action cleanup code:

my $admincclist = $self->TicketObj->AdminCc;

my $Owner = $self->TicketObj->Owner;
$Owner is not an object but ID, you want to use OwnerObj instead to
get object, but in this particular case $self->TicketObj->Owner
returns new owner as ticket has been changed already. To get old owner
of the ticket you must use transaction object and its OldValue
property (id of a principal).


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Best regards, Ruslan.