OK, new importing problem. Getting further

FreeBSD 4.10, rt-2.0.13 -> rt 3.0.11, perl 5.8.5, mod_perl, mason 1.26, apache 1.x, latest
port, whatever it is.

OK, I updated my mysql drivers to 4.1, that seemed to clear up my
previously reported issue.

So I let RT init the database. It all completed w/o errors.

I then fired up the dumpfile-to-rt3 database utility.

It imported users just peachy, seemed to import groups, then
barfed with:

Importing groups
ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqImporting tickets…t-1
[Tue Sep 21 20:33:01 2004] [err]: Couldn’t load 1 from the users database.
[Tue Sep 21 20:50:01 2004] [crit]: Failed to create user root@localhost: No permission to create users (/usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm:624)
[Tue Sep 21 20:54:55 2004] [crit]: DBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit attribute at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/mach/DBI.pm line 1514.

Not sure where I should head from here. I’m guessing somehow a root@localhost user doesn’t exist in
the new database, but I hesitate to go thrashing around in there.

I enclosed the t-1 ticket just for reference.

^S2002-02-16 16:31:05^@^@^@^GStarted
^S2002-02-16 04:39:34^@^@^@^GCreated
^S2002-02-16 04:39:34^@^@^@^GCreated
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^S1970-01-01 00:00:00^@^@^@^FStarts