# of transactions in resolving a ticket

A quick question here about what exactly happens when a ticket is
resolved (for reference when creating scrips).

Using the web interface, when I have a ticket open and click on the
’Resolve’ link in the upper right, I’m taken to a screen similar to that
used for adding Replies or Comments to a ticket.

If I resolve the ticket using this form, does RT:

  1. Enter a Correspondence/Comment transaction, which is dealt with
    according to the applicable scrips, and then enter a Resolve transaction,
    which is also dealt with according to the applicable scrips (but
    separately from the first transaction); or

  2. Enter a Resolve transaction, with the text entered in the form
    submitted as the content of the transaction, which is then dealt with

Either seems reasonable, but I’m not sure which one RT actually does. Any




  1. When you resolve a ticket, and you have inserted something in the content filed and comment is selected a comment is created, if you have selected repy to requestor, a reply is sent. If you haven’t inserted anything this step is not processed, this is why if you insert time worked whitout message content the time worked is ignored.
  2. After that the status of the ticket is changed to resolved.

There are 2 transactions.-----Original Message-----
From: MAS [mailto:rt@mas.ml1.net]
Sent: Monday,15 December,2003 15:27
To: RT Users
Subject: [rt-users] # of transactions in resolving a ticket

A quick question here about what exactly happens when a ticket is resolved (for reference when creating scrips).

Using the web interface, when I have a ticket open and click on the ‘Resolve’ link in the upper right, I’m taken to a screen similar to that used for adding Replies or Comments to a ticket.

If I resolve the ticket using this form, does RT:

  1. Enter a Correspondence/Comment transaction, which is dealt with according to the applicable scrips, and then enter a Resolve transaction, which is also dealt with according to the applicable scrips (but separately from the first transaction); or

  2. Enter a Resolve transaction, with the text entered in the form submitted as the content of the transaction, which is then dealt with appropriately.

Either seems reasonable, but I’m not sure which one RT actually does. Any ideas?



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