Obscure stricture explosion

If I’m getting this error message:

Can’t locate object method “EmailAddress” via package “No object mapping for field” (perhaps you forgot to load “No object mapping for field”?) at lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm line 1351.

where the offending lines in 3.6.3’s RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm are:

if ( $self->CurrentUser->PrincipalId == ($args{'PrincipalId'} || 0)
   or    lc( $self->CurrentUser->UserObj->EmailAddress )
      eq lc( RT::User::CanonicalizeEmailAddress(undef, $args{'Email'}) || '' ) )

and my calling code is

$t->AddWatcher(Type => ‘Cc’, PrincipalId => $g->Id);

where $g->Id is 55, and $t is a valid RT::Ticket object

then, where do I start looking to work out what my bug is?

My script (it’s trying to be a regression test) started with:


And I’d not set CurrentUser. Is that my problem?

Nicholas Clark

If I’m getting this error message:

Can’t locate object method “EmailAddress” via package “No object
mapping for field” (perhaps you forgot to load “No object mapping
for field”?) at lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm line 1351.

where the offending lines in 3.6.3’s RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm are:

if ( $self->CurrentUser->PrincipalId == ($args{'PrincipalId'}  

|| 0)
or lc( $self->CurrentUser->UserObj->EmailAddress )
eq lc( RT::User::CanonicalizeEmailAddress(undef, $args
{‘Email’}) || ‘’ ) )

and my calling code is

$t->AddWatcher(Type => ‘Cc’, PrincipalId => $g->Id);

Can I see the initialization of $t? In RT, you should ~always be
handing a currentuser to ->new().

PGP.sig (186 Bytes)

If I’m getting this error message:

Can’t locate object method “EmailAddress” via package “No object
mapping for field” (perhaps you forgot to load “No object mapping
for field”?) at lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm line 1351.

where the offending lines in 3.6.3’s RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm are:

if ( $self->CurrentUser->PrincipalId == ($args{‘PrincipalId’}
|| 0)
or lc( $self->CurrentUser->UserObj->EmailAddress )
eq lc( RT::User::CanonicalizeEmailAddress(undef, $args
{‘Email’}) || ‘’ ) )

and my calling code is

$t->AddWatcher(Type => ‘Cc’, PrincipalId => $g->Id);

Can I see the initialization of $t? In RT, you should ~always be
handing a currentuser to ->new().

Code is at work, so I can’t get to it from here, but (from memory) it was

$t = RT::Ticket->new($co_user);

where $co_user was a user retrieved by name


where a ticket is successfully created. (because it shows up)

I can give you the verbatim code by my tomorrow (by which time you’ll be

Nicholas Clark

If I’m getting this error message:

Can’t locate object method “EmailAddress” via package “No object
mapping for field” (perhaps you forgot to load “No object mapping
for field”?) at lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm line 1351.

where the offending lines in 3.6.3’s RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm are:

if ( $self->CurrentUser->PrincipalId == ($args{‘PrincipalId’}
|| 0)
or lc( $self->CurrentUser->UserObj->EmailAddress )
eq lc( RT::User::CanonicalizeEmailAddress(undef, $args
{‘Email’}) || ‘’ ) )

and my calling code is

$t->AddWatcher(Type => ‘Cc’, PrincipalId => $g->Id);

Can I see the initialization of $t? In RT, you should ~always be
handing a currentuser to ->new().

The whole thing is appended.

Nicholas Clark

#!perl -w


use strict;

use Test::More ‘no_plan’;


use vars qw ($CO $CO_USER $V_USER $QUEUE_E $QUEUE_I);

$QUEUE_E=‘Systems Requests’;

ok(my $co_user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser));
ok($co_user->Load($CO_USER), “Loaded user ‘$CO_USER’”);

my $cf = $co_user->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘company group name’);
ok(defined $cf);
my $g;

if (defined $cf) {
$g = RT::Group->new($co_user);

my $queue_e = RT::Queue->new($co_user);
ok ($queue_e, “Loaded queue ‘$QUEUE_E’”);

ok(my $t = RT::Ticket->new($co_user));

my ($id,$t_o,$msg) = $t->Create(Queue => $queue_e,
Subject => “External request (test $$)”,
Owner => $co_user);
ok($id, “Created ticket”);
$t->AddWatcher(Type => ‘Cc’, PrincipalId => $g->Id);