Notify via SMS if ticket Subject =~ /urgent/i


I’m using RT 4.0.10 and am trying to create a scrip to accomplish this. If
the subject contains the word urgent (not case senstive, thus the
/urgent/i), I want it to send me an SMS.

The portion of sending the SMS message itself I figured out so that’s less
of a concern - in the template, I just CC the sms address (if Action=Notify
AdminCCs’, this works), though I am open to other suggestions. It’s the
scrip itself that I’m really having issues with.

What I have so far:

Description: On create URGENT, notify SMS
Condition: On Transaction
Action: User Defined
Template: On Create Urgent ticket, notify SMS
Stage: TransactionCreate

===Custom condition: n/a

===Custom action prep code:
my $txn = $self->TransactionObj;
my $type = $txn->Type;
return 0 unless $type eq “Status”
|| ( $type eq ‘Set’ && $txn->Field eq ‘Status’);

return 0 unless $txn->NewValue eq “new”;

===Custom action cleanup code:

my $subject = $self->TicketObj->Subject;

if ($subject =~ /urgent/i) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;

I found some decent references out there, but this isn’t sending the
notification and I’m stumped. I know there are many people out there who
have done the equivalent of what I’m trying to accomplish.


The portion of sending the SMS message itself I figured out so that’s less of a concern - in
the template, I just CC the sms address (if Action=Notify AdminCCs’, this works), though I am
open to other suggestions. It’s the scrip itself that I’m really having issues with.

What I have so far:

Description: On create URGENT, notify SMS
Condition: On Transaction
Action: User Defined
Template: On Create Urgent ticket, notify SMS
Stage: TransactionCreate

If you have an Action of User Defined, your Template isn’t going to be
used unless you’re loading it up and sending mail manually.

It sounds to me like you actually wanted
Condition: User Defined
Action: Notify Other Recipieints or Notify Ccs or a custom notify
action created with

You can combine your Custom action prep code and Custom action cleanup
code into that condition, although I am a little confused. You
apparently only want to check the subject if the status of the ticket
changes (rather than say when the ticket is created?) but that may be
what you wanted.



Unfortunately following your suggestion didn’t help.

The reason I check for a status change = new (rather than Condition=On
Create) is because the latter will send me an SMS everytime any ticket is
opened, regardless of the subject contents (as I would expect it to do
given that it says to “*Use these fields when you choose ‘User Defined’ for
a condition or action”).

*So what I’m not sure of is if I have a fundamental misunderstanding of how
this is supposed to work, or perhaps something with the way I’m trying to
search for the word ‘urgent’ in the subject is not correct - ie: where
should that bit of code go if Condition=On Create?

For what I’m trying to accomplish, might it be better to create a custom

rt-setup-database --action insert --datafile

In that case, should it in theory show up as an available action from the
drop-down of available actions?

ThanksDate: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:52:37 -0400
From: Kevin Falcone
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Notify via SMS if ticket Subject =~ /urgent/i
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=“us-ascii”

The portion of sending the SMS message itself I figured out so that’s
less of a concern - in
the template, I just CC the sms address (if Action=Notify AdminCCs’,
this works), though I am
open to other suggestions. It’s the scrip itself that I’m really
having issues with.

What I have so far:

Description: On create URGENT, notify SMS
Condition: On Transaction
Action: User Defined
Template: On Create Urgent ticket, notify SMS
Stage: TransactionCreate

If you have an Action of User Defined, your Template isn’t going to be
used unless you’re loading it up and sending mail manually.

It sounds to me like you actually wanted
Condition: User Defined
Action: Notify Other Recipieints or Notify Ccs or a custom notify
action created with

You can combine your Custom action prep code and Custom action cleanup
code into that condition, although I am a little confused. You
apparently only want to check the subject if the status of the ticket
changes (rather than say when the ticket is created?) but that may be
what you wanted.


===Custom condition: n/a

===Custom action prep code:
my $txn = $self->TransactionObj;
my $type = $txn->Type;
return 0 unless $type eq “Status”
|| ( $type eq ‘Set’ && $txn->Field eq ‘Status’);

return 0 unless $txn->NewValue eq “new”;

===Custom action cleanup code:

my $subject = $self->TicketObj->Subject;

if ($subject =~ /urgent/i) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;

I found some decent references out there, but this isn’t sending the
notification and I’m
stumped. I know there are many people out there who have done the
equivalent of what I’m
trying to accomplish.

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Please obey the Reply-To. Sending me personal mail when I read the
list is rude.

Unfortunately following your suggestion didn’t help.

Except you didn’t follow my suggestions.

The reason I check for a status change = new (rather than Condition=On Create) is because the
latter will send me an SMS everytime any ticket is opened, regardless of the subject contents
(as I would expect it to do given that it says to “Use these fields when you choose ‘User
Defined’ for a condition or action”).

So what I’m not sure of is if I have a fundamental misunderstanding of how this is supposed to
work, or perhaps something with the way I’m trying to search for the word ‘urgent’ in the
subject is not correct - ie: where should that bit of code go if Condition=On Create?

You’re misunderstanding how this is supposed to work.

You’re writing a custom action that checks a condition and then does

Instead, write a custom condition that checks your condition and then
use the build in notification actions.

It sounds to me like you actually wanted
Condition: User Defined
Action: Notify Other Recipieints or Notify Ccs or a custom notify
action created with
[4]rt-email-group-admin - RT 5.0.5 Documentation - Best Practical



I’m using RT 4.0.10 and am trying to create a scrip to accomplish this.
If the subject contains the word urgent (not case senstive, thus the
/urgent/i), I want it to send me an SMS.

I’ve already written one; grab RT::Extension::SMSNotify from CPAN.

Craig Ringer
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services


I’m using RT 4.0.10 and am trying to create a scrip to accomplish this.
If the subject contains the word urgent (not case senstive, thus the
/urgent/i), I want it to send me an SMS.

I’ve already written one; grab RT::Extension::SMSNotify from CPAN.

… and combine it with a simple user-defined condition, something like

return $self->Ticket->Subject =~ qr/urgent/i;

Craig Ringer
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services