Notify on Queue Change has stopped working

For some reason my ‘Notify on Queue Change’ script has quit working.

We create tickets via an internal website that emails that request to our RT instance. We have a script that fires “On Create Via Email” then moves the ticket to the correct Queue. This works correctly. I had previously applied the Script “Notify AdminCCs on Queue Change”, added the person I wanted assigned to that Queue as a AdminCC watcher and created a template and assigned that template to the Script.

This was working fine for some time and now it has simply stopped working for some reason and I cannot figure out why.

If I create a ticket in the General Queue in the RT web interface and then move the ticket to the Queue in question, I get the email as normal. But when I create the ticket and then use a script to move it into the correct queue using:

if ($self->TransactionObj->Subject( ) =~ /Classroom IT/i ) { $self->TicketObj->SetQueue("Classroom IT"); return 1; }

I do not get the email and looking at the ticket history it does not show that RT ever attempts to send an email.

Any help would be appreciated.

Can you give a working an non working screenshot of tickets, please. Be careful and redact confidential information.

What does rt.log say?

I think you should check subject of TicketObj I am not sure the transaction has a subject