Notifications tuning

Hi folks,
I have currently the problem with too many notifications from RT. We are already using notification grouping for certain roles. Grouped are Requestors + CCs and Owners + AdminCCs. But this causes double notification when you are Requestor of a ticket and AdminCC or Owner of the same ticket in the same time. I can not group it more due to different Templates.

We have long used the solution from NotificationsTuning - Request Tracker Wiki but I got rid of that because the patch of is buggy - not dealing with Reminders and disabled users for ticket. Instead of patching the patch for every version of RT and potentially create some other issues, I decided to go more natural RT way. But now I am stuck little bit. Does anybody have some solution of this?
Thank you, Petr

Well, there is maybe one solution but it is the same dirtiness as that mentioned ugly patch. Create ticket scrip could determine whether requestor is also the AdminCc of the queue and remove him from Requestors. This will cause the problems in searching, but we can search for the Creator instead. Also will be necessary to update “My Request” saved search to deal with Creators. And on top of that there should be some scrip “On queue change” to add such removed Creators to Requestors. Blah :slight_smile:

How do you solve the “duplication” of notifications?

Hi Petr,

I don’t have this issue, however if I did, I’d attempt to eliminate the duplicate email addresses in the template somehow (never tried this BTW, so just suggesting a possible path to explore). I have no idea if this approach would be successful or not, it’s just an idea.

For example, at the top of the template(s), I’d have some perl code that checks for duplicates in the role groups, and then assembles a recipient list. Then use email headers in the template to specify the recipient list.

The idea is simple, however it’s implementation may not be striaghtforward.

Some tips and possible problems…
When using Perl code in a template and assigning variables, you’ll need to have two apostrophes followed by a semicolon to prevent the variable output appearing in your template.

{ my $admincclist = $self->TicketObj->AdminCc; ''; }

The downside with this is that if the template content type is text, the above will cause a linefeed in the template. Will be okay if the content type is HTML (define Content-Type: text/html before your perl code).

Here’s an example of the headers used in the template: -
Subject: {$Ticket->Subject}
To: {$RecipientList}

Typically, the headers above are always at the top of the template. I’ve never tried to use them after perl code (like you would have to). Hopefully it should work.

Good luck!

Thank you Brett but it wouldn’t work nicely. The scrips and therefore the Templates are not aware of each other. So if you send some mail in one scrip (with some template) the other scrip doesn’t know about that. Maybe if the one of the scrips would be in batch stage but you never know wich one. If the one for requestor or if tho one for AdminCC. However I’ve consulted this issue with Best Practical support and they’ve send me tuned which works very well. I’m putting this file to mentioned rt-wiki page.