NoAuth CSS redirected to the current defaultpage?


i’m trying to run rt-server.fcgi via nginx with the following
configuration. I can load the first page without any CSS.

the pb seems to be that every link renders the login page. even


I start the server with

 spawn-fcgi -M770 -g www-data -n -s /tmp/rt.acme.sock \
     -- sbin/rt-server.fcgi

and my current nginx config is:

upstream acme {
server unix:/tmp/rt.acme.sock;

server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen 80;
root /home/rt/site/acme/share/;

location /static {
	allow all;
	autoindex off;
	expires max;
	try_files $uri @acme;

location / {
	set $path_info $uri;
	fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME "";
	fastcgi_pass acme;
	include fastcgi_params;


any idea to solve it ?

Marc Chantreux,
Mes coordonn�es:
Direction Informatique, Universit� de Strasbourg (
Service M�tiers, P�le Outils Collaboratifs
“Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet”
– Abraham Lincoln


i’m trying to run rt-server.fcgi via nginx with the following
configuration. I can load the first page without any CSS.

Have you tried the nginx config documented in RT first, before moving
on to the custom one?

However, nginx is not my specialty, so I’m unlikely to be able to help
debug further.



Kevin, you made my day! thank you!

Have you tried the nginx config documented in RT first, before moving
on to the custom one?

Web deployment - RT 5.0.5 Documentation - Best Practical

I have to admit i didn’t … but … comparing the 2 configs helped me
to catch the problem:

In my file, i wrote:

        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME "";
        include fastcgi_params;

But fastcgi_params (as provided by debian) set fastcgi_param to
$fastcgi_script_name. this must be overwritten.

        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME "";

works fine!

However, nginx is not my specialty, so I’m unlikely to be able to help
debug further.

you did it so well. please note that my version use unix domains sockets
so there is no TCP overhead (it’s faster and i do believe it spare

also, i use upstream so i can add workers in the row:

upstream acme {
server unix:/tmp/rt.acme.sock.1;
server unix:/tmp/rt.acme.sock.2;
server unix:/tmp/rt.acme.sock.3;

however, i don’t know if RT can handle more than one server of the
same instance in the same machine. also, i don’t know if it could help
to serve more page.

experimenting this is on my todolist but every comment is welcome.

again, thanks for helping

Marc Chantreux,
Mes coordonn�es: Annuaire - Université de Strasbourg
Direction Informatique, Universit� de Strasbourg (
Service M�tiers, P�le Outils Collaboratifs
“Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet”
– Abraham Lincoln