No RTFM links within RT

I just upgraded to RT 3.6.3 and then I downloaded RTFM 2.2.0RC4 and
installed it - RTFM had never been installed before. It installed
perfectly, no errors. Stopped and started the web server. Opened RT.
No RTFM links anywhere. Not in left navbar, not on tickets, nothing. I
do see that the database tables were created and
/opt/rt3/share/html/RTFM/ exists, but otherwise, no sign of RTFM.

Any idea what went wrong and how to make it right?


Fran Fabrizio
Senior Systems Analyst
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham


Please ignore this message, user error. :slight_smile: Two installs of RT on same
machine. Doh.

Fran Fabrizio wrote:

I just upgraded to RT 3.6.3 and then I downloaded RTFM 2.2.0RC4 and
installed it - RTFM had never been installed before. It installed
perfectly, no errors. Stopped and started the web server. Opened RT.
No RTFM links anywhere. Not in left navbar, not on tickets, nothing. I
do see that the database tables were created and
/opt/rt3/share/html/RTFM/ exists, but otherwise, no sign of RTFM.

Any idea what went wrong and how to make it right?


Fran Fabrizio
Senior Systems Analyst
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham
