Newbie: problem receiving mail through gateway

Hi all

I’ve spent hours digging up the archive and reading up on smrsh and
other docs, to why I’m unable to get RT3 to receive mail!!! The error
I’m getting at the moment is:

Deferred: prog mailer (/usr/sbin/smrsh) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL

I have done what it’s said in here
as well as trying other people suggestions as well.

Please help! Thanks

Chhai Thach

EX_TEMPFAIL is telling you that the program that smrsh is trying to run
(rt-mailgate) is returning a code that says it (rt-mailgate) has a
problem processing the message. I think you’re probably beyond
sendmail-related problems.

Here’s how to approach debugging:

  •      Capture a simple mail message into a file, including the

headers. (close enough: grab a message with an editor from your mailbox
file, including all the headers)

  •      Turn on debugging in RT.  See  Watch what

happens in the debug log.

  •      Feed the test mail message into rt-mailgate manually, and add

the “-debug” flag to rt-mailgate in addition to your other existing

  •      Watch the output from rt-mailgate and in the debug log.
  •      Track down all the "permission denied" errors that you might

get. Anything that makes rt-mailgate unhappy is a candidate as the
cause of this failure.-----Original Message-----
From: Chhai Thach []
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 3:49 AM
Subject: [rt-users] Newbie: problem receiving mail through gateway

Hi all

I’ve spent hours digging up the archive and reading up on smrsh and
other docs, to why I’m unable to get RT3 to receive mail!!! The error
I’m getting at the moment is:

Deferred: prog mailer (/usr/sbin/smrsh) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL

I have done what it’s said in here

as well as trying other people suggestions as well.

Please help! Thanks

Chhai Thach