New Ticket Command Line

Hi all

Thanks for a very good ticket system, currently busy testing and
deploying it, so far very impressed. As you all know it is always
difficult to deploy a new system to users. I want to use our current
helpdesk front-end to populate the RT tickets.

I was thinking of using a php front end with some fields and dropdown
that will help with this. So far worked out to use the command line rt
command to populate the most common fields. My question is how do you
populate a custom field. This is what I am currenlty using,

rt create -t ticket set requestor="" set subject=“urgent
contact request” set queue=users set text=“Help me very vinnig, ek soek
vir babsie” set branch=“JNB”

Each time I run the command give give me an error, # branch: Unknown field.

The branch is my customfield. I would really appriciate the help from
anybody that can shed some light on this issue.

Thanks a mil.

The information contained in this communication is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Whilst all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of information and data transmitted electronically and to preserve the confidentiality thereof, the Berco Group and its associated business entities and/or units accept no liability or responsibility whatsoever if information or data is, for whatever reason, corrupted or does not reach its intended destination.

It requires a different syntax


Custom field values
Manage custom field values. Could be used multiple times.

    CustomField.{C<CFName>}: <custom field value>
    AddCustomField.{C<CFName>}: <custom field value>
    DelCustomField.{C<CFName>}: <custom field value>

Short forms:

    CF.{C<CFName>}: <custom field value>
    AddCF.{C<CFName>}: <custom field value>
    DelCF.{C<CFName>}: <custom field value>-----Original Message-----

[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 1:44 PM
Subject: [rt-users] New Ticket Command Line

Hi all

Thanks for a very good ticket system, currently busy testing and
deploying it, so far very impressed. As you all know it is always
difficult to deploy a new system to users. I want to use our current
helpdesk front-end to populate the RT tickets.

I was thinking of using a php front end with some fields and dropdown
that will help with this. So far worked out to use the command line rt
command to populate the most common fields. My question is how do you
populate a custom field. This is what I am currenlty using,

rt create -t ticket set requestor="" set subject=“urgent
contact request” set queue=users set text=“Help me very vinnig, ek soek
vir babsie” set branch=“JNB”

Each time I run the command give give me an error, # branch: Unknown

The branch is my customfield. I would really appriciate the help from
anybody that can shed some light on this issue.

Thanks a mil.

The information contained in this communication is confidential and may
be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the
individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the
intended recipient you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying,
distribution or any action taken or omitted in reliance on the contents
of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Whilst
all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of
information and data transmitted electronically and to preserve the
confidentiality thereof, the Berco Group and its associated business
entities and/or units accept no liability or responsibility whatsoever
if information or data is, for whatever reason, corrupted or does not
reach its intended destination.


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