New Template - List CC's in correspondence?

I’ve enabled $ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs in so that people in
the “To and Cc” field are added as Ccs.

The only problem is that my other group of watchers (the technicians)
who I’ve set to get copies (on ticket creation, correspondence, etc…)
don’t know who is included in the Cc: fields by reading the email (they
can of course look at WebRT, but this is not always practical).

I’d like to make a modified “correspondence” template that stamps the
Cc’s: in the body of the message that our technicians read.

The closest thing I saw was this:

Requestors: {$Ticket->Requestors->EmailsAsString()}

But I’m not sure what to what the exact name of the Cc field. This
didn’t seem to work:

Ccs: {$Ticket->Ccs->EmailsAsString()}

Even better would be to stamp it if CC’s exist, otherwise leave line
blank altogether.

Thanks for tips.

Mike Patterson wrote:

But I’m not sure what to what the exact name of the Cc field. This
didn’t seem to work:

Ccs: {$Ticket->Ccs->EmailsAsString()}

Even better would be to stamp it if CC’s exist, otherwise leave line
blank altogether.

Try something like:

{ if ($cc=$Ticket->Cc->EmailsAsString()) { "Cc: " . $cc } }

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