New install, opening index displays script content s or error

Shawn Jooste (CSP) wrote:

Robin Cull wrote:

Ja you should see the login screen

I thought so.

> i get the same error, i have no idea what causes it. Have you looked > at > your httpd logs? what do they say? Post the log to the list so we can > see. Also what DB are you using? Pg / MySQL? Modperl / FastCGI. I > think > our errors are related.

I’m using MySQL and Modperl.

When I connect to localhost on the same machine I get no error message in
the logs, when I connect with a remote machine I get:

[Wed Jul 14 09:22:54 2004] [error] [client] Connect Failed
Access denied for user: ‘@localhost’ to database ‘pisupport-rt-test’! at
/usr/lib/rt/ line 149!
DBI connect(‘dbname=pisupport-rt-test;host=localhost’,‘pisupport-rt’,…)
failed: Access denied for user: ‘@localhost’ to database ‘pisupport-rt-test’
at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 132
[Wed Jul 14 09:22:55 2004] [error] [client] Connect Failed
Access denied for user: ‘@localhost’ to database ‘pisupport-rt-test’! at
/usr/lib/rt/ line 149!

This leads me to believe that there are actually two problems. One with the
script parsing and the other with remote connections.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
