Multiple LDAPS

I have MSActive directory forest with multiple domains.

What is the best way to intergrate this?

I have LDAP Auth already working for one domain but I can’t get
authentication for the second domain

Set($LDAPExternalAuth, ‘1’); # Enable LDAP auth

Set($LdapServer, “”);

Set($LdapCAFile, undef);

Set($LdapUser, ‘cn=rtldap,CN=Users,dc=cctus,dc=com’);

Set($LdapPass, ‘Rt3Password’);

#Set($LdapAuthStartTLS, ‘1’); # Need to use TLS or ldaps to
check passwords

Set($LdapAuthStartTLS, ‘0’); # Need to use TLS or ldaps to
check passwords

#Set($LdapAuthBase, “ou=users,ou=Denver,dc=cctus,dc=com”);

Set($LdapAuthBase, “ou=Users,ou=Denver,dc=cctus,dc=com”);

Set($LdapAuthUidAttr, ‘sAMAccountName’);

Set($LdapAuthFilter, ‘(objectClass=user)’);

#Set($LdapMailBase, ‘cn=Users,dc=cctus,dc=com’);

Set($LdapMailBase, ‘ou=Users,ou=Denver,dc=cctus,dc=com’);

Set($LdapMailFilter, ‘(objectClass=user)’);

Set($LdapMailScope, ‘sub’);

Set($LdapMailSearchAttr, ‘mail’);

%RT::LdapMailResultMap = (

    'sAMAccountName'        => 'Name',

    'mail'                  => 'EmailAddress',

    'cn'                    => 'RealName',


What do need to add for the other domains in my AD?

Could I do multiple RT installs and point to the same database?

Any thoughts?