Multiple attachments from SelfService ticket creation page

The ability to add multiple attachments when creating a ticket from the
SelfService interface was requested from some of our users. I copied
the chunk of attachment code from share/html/Ticket/Create.html into the
SelfService Create.html file, and the “Add More” button shows up…but
when I click it, it submits the ticket instead of letting me add an
additional attachment. Any tips?

Original snippet from Create.html:

%# FIXME: if failed customfields validation, attachement needs to be choosen %# again by user. <&|/l&>Attach file:

Replaced with:

% if (exists $session{'Attachments'}) { <&|/l&>Attached file: <&|/l&>Check box to delete
% foreach my $attach_name (keys %{$session{'Attachments'}}) { <%$attach_name%>
% } # end of foreach % } # end of if <&|/l&>Attach file: