More tickets Indicator on RT-at-a-Glance search results

Hello -

We’ve had several users ask if dashboards on the RT-at-a-Glance page could
include an indicator that there are more tickets for this search. For
example, each dashboard shows the first 15 (or whatever number is set in
Preferences) tickets returned by the search. There is no hint that there
are more tickets that match the search criteria.

Any suggestions on how we could add an arrow or a ‘More’ link or other such
indicator to the dashboard?

Sharon Belliveau
Application Design + Development
Research & Statistics
Federal Reserve Board


I’m pretty sure it’s doable, but there is no such thing out of the
box. You start from share/html/Elements/MyRT and move to
share/html/Elements/ShowSearch.On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 1:06 AM, wrote:

Hello -

We’ve had several users ask if dashboards on the RT-at-a-Glance page could
include an indicator that there are more tickets for this search. For
example, each dashboard shows the first 15 (or whatever number is set in
Preferences) tickets returned by the search. There is no hint that there
are more tickets that match the search criteria.

Any suggestions on how we could add an arrow or a ‘More’ link or other such
indicator to the dashboard?

Sharon Belliveau
Application Design + Development
Research & Statistics
Federal Reserve Board

RT Training Sessions (

  • Chicago, IL, USA September 26 & 27, 2011
  • San Francisco, CA, USA October 18 & 19, 2011
  • Washington DC, USA October 31 & November 1, 2011
  • Melbourne VIC, Australia November 28 & 29, 2011
  • Barcelona, Spain November 28 & 29, 2011

Best regards, Ruslan.