Modify script to filter IPs

Hi all,
I thought I would try here before I get tangled up in more perl than I can handle.

I would like to modify the script to only add an IP to a ticket if it is one of my own. So basically I guess I would included all of our ranges in the file and have anything outside those ranges skipped (like is currently)

Has anyone done this already? Or knows how to go about it?


Hi all,
I thought I would try here before I get tangled up in more perl than I can handle.

I would like to modify the script to only add an IP to a ticket if it is one of my own. So basically I guess I would included all of our ranges in the file and have anything outside those ranges skipped (like is currently)

AddIP method in is the right place. The method should
return 0 if IP is skipped. Note that IP argument can one IP address or
range in IP-IP format.

Has anyone done this already? Or knows how to go about it?

I don’t remember anyone sharing something similar.


Rtir mailing list
The rtir Archives

Best regards, Ruslan.

Thanks. I’ll play around with it and post my changes if I get it working.From: “Ruslan Zakirov”
To: “Chris Warren”
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 6:37:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Rtir] Modify script to filter IPs

Hi all,
I thought I would try here before I get tangled up in more perl than I can handle.

I would like to modify the script to only add an IP to a ticket if it is one of my own. So basically I guess I would included all of our ranges in the file and have anything outside those ranges skipped (like is currently)

AddIP method in is the right place. The method should
return 0 if IP is skipped. Note that IP argument can one IP address or
range in IP-IP format.

Has anyone done this already? Or knows how to go about it?

I don’t remember anyone sharing something similar.


Rtir mailing list
The rtir Archives

Best regards, Ruslan.


We’re giving RTIR v3.0RC1 a test drive and I added a layer of regular
expression to prevent mapping IPv4 addresses to custom fields if it’s
CIDR range is not specified in the
The modifications adds a dependency (yikes) to Net::IP::Match::Regexp.

It works pretty well. If you are interested, I’d be glad to contribute
the modification back to github or other means if you are interested.

I tried to figure out which branch v3.0RC1 is based off of but I got
lost quickly.

Any hints ?
David Moreau Simard//

We’re giving RTIR v3.0RC1 a test drive and I added a layer of
regular expression to prevent mapping IPv4 addresses to custom
fields if it’s CIDR range is not specified in the
The modifications adds a dependency (yikes) to Net::IP::Match::Regexp.

It works pretty well. If you are interested, I’d be glad to
contribute the modification back to github or other means if you are

I tried to figure out which branch v3.0RC1 is based off of but I got
lost quickly.

The branch is 2.9-trunk which will become 3.0-trunk when we’re ready
for the final release (so 2.5-trunk was the dev series for 2.6-trunk
and over on RT we’re working on 4.0-trunk and will eventually have
some 4.1 releases while we get ready for 4.2-trunk, etc).

I’m not entirely sure if this is best served as a merge into core or
as an extension, but the code would be interesting to see.


I have the habit of extending RT through callbacks, but not extending
extensions (!).
Would that go under local/plugins/RT-IR/local/lib/RT/Action/ ?

I might review the code some more in the near future but either way, I
kept it really quite simple for the time being.
Let’s pretend a dummy example and say I don’t want RT-IR to map anything
to the IP custom field by itself outside of 192.168.x.x and 127.0.0.x:

Set(@RTIR_IPv4_range_preference, qw (

use Net::IP::Match::Regexp qw( create_iprange_regexp match_ip );

It’s possible for a user to exclude IP addresses that aren’t mapped in

the configuration
my @IPv4_range_preference = RT->Config->Get(‘RTIR_IPv4_range_preference’);
my $range_preference_regex;
if(scalar(@IPv4_range_preference) != 0) {
$range_preference_regex =


while ( $content =~ m/$IP_re/go ) {
if ( $1 && defined $2 ) { # IPv6/mask
my $range = $2 == 128 ? $1 : (Net::CIDR::cidr2range(
“$1/$2” ))[0]
or next;
$spots_left -= $self->AddIP(
IP => $range, CustomField => $cf, Skip => %existing
elsif ( $1 ) { # IPv6
$spots_left -= $self->AddIP(
IP => $1, CustomField => $cf, Skip => %existing
elsif ( $3 ) { # IPv4
# If we have user preferences, match the IP against them
if($range_preference_regex ne ‘’) {
if(match_ip($3, $range_preference_regex)) {
$spots_left -= $self->AddIP(
IP => $3, CustomField => $cf, Skip => %existing
} else {
$spots_left -= $self->AddIP(
IP => $3, CustomField => $cf, Skip => %existing
elsif ( $4 && defined $5 ) { # IPv4/mask
# If we have user preferences, match the IP against them
if($range_preference_regex ne ‘’) {
if(match_ip($4, $range_preference_regex)) {
my $cidr = join( ‘.’, map $||0, (split /./,
$4)[0…3] ) .“/$5”;
my $range = (Net::CIDR::cidr2range( $cidr ))[0] or
$spots_left -= $self->AddIP(
IP => $range, CustomField => $cf, Skip =>
} else {
my $cidr = join( ‘.’, map $
||0, (split /./, $4)[0…3]
) .“/$5”;
my $range = (Net::CIDR::cidr2range( $cidr ))[0] or next;
$spots_left -= $self->AddIP(
IP => $range, CustomField => $cf, Skip => %existing
return 1 unless $spots_left;

David Moreau SimardOn 12-06-19 5:39 PM, Kevin Falcone wrote:

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 12:02:21PM -0400, David Moreau Simard wrote:

We’re giving RTIR v3.0RC1 a test drive and I added a layer of
regular expression to prevent mapping IPv4 addresses to custom
fields if it’s CIDR range is not specified in the
The modifications adds a dependency (yikes) to Net::IP::Match::Regexp.

It works pretty well. If you are interested, I’d be glad to
contribute the modification back to github or other means if you are

I tried to figure out which branch v3.0RC1 is based off of but I got
lost quickly.
The branch is 2.9-trunk which will become 3.0-trunk when we’re ready
for the final release (so 2.5-trunk was the dev series for 2.6-trunk
and over on RT we’re working on 4.0-trunk and will eventually have
some 4.1 releases while we get ready for 4.2-trunk, etc).

I’m not entirely sure if this is best served as a merge into core or
as an extension, but the code would be interesting to see.


Rtir mailing list
The rtir Archives

Set(@RTIR_IPv4_range_preference, qw (

Feature is good to have, but to make it into RTIR core it should be
IPv6 aware. I don’t see
much need in additional module, but it’s ok. Code needs cleanup. It’s
complex already and you
change makes it even more nested. Why don’t you put the check into
AddIP method? I think
it belongs there.

Best regards, Ruslan.