Missing Reference header in notifications


we’re missing here the Reference: Header when rt sends notification
about owner change and that a ticket has been resolved. I tried to
figure out where and when rt sets the header but failed to find the
code. I somehow stumbled accross line 758 in SendEmail.pm:

if ( my $top = $attachments->First() ) {

seems to me like the if clause won’t be triggered but I couldn’t figure
out what the Method $self->TransactionObj->Message->First() does.


– Frank Brodbeck, BelWue-Koordination ---------- Tel: 0711/685-62502 –
Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Stuttgart
Allmandring 3A, 70550 Stuttgart Fax: 0711/678-8363
mailto:brodbeck@belwue.de ------------------ http://www.belwue.de/