Missing FinalPriority after upgrade from 4.4.3 to 5.01

We have upgraded from 4.4.3 to 5.01 and all is well.
Users are asking what happened to final priority.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you


We removed the InitialPriority , FinalPriority , and DefaultDueIn columns from the Queues table. In their stead we have a more general ->DefaultValue call, e.g.

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As noted by @knation, we made some changes to priority, specifically we cored the extension RT::Extension::PriorityAsString. There is a note in the upgrading doc here if you search for PriorityAsString:


So you can set $EnablePriorityAsString to false to continue using numbers for priority.

Final Priority is also still there, but we got a lot of feedback over the years that users found it confusing, so in RT 5 we hid it. If you still want to use it, add this bit of custom CSS on the Theme page:

.FinalPriority, .TicketFinalPriority {
    display: flex;
.priority div.value .current-value {
    visibility: visible;
.priority div.value .current-value .FinalPriority {
    display: inline;

That should make Final Priority appear again. We’ll add this CSS note on the upgrading page.

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