I’m anxiously waiting for a beta of RT2 that will migrate old tickets in
the hopes that the mime support is better, among other things of course.
How are people dealing with mail from Outlook that just shows up in base64
in the ticket? Anyone come up with any clever work arounds? I need a
stopgap to keep the powers that be from getting a wandering eye.
Any modification to the client isn’t acceptible (but i’d still like to
hear about it as i don’t use outlook and i’m not familiar with it) because
we have too many diverse users.
Dale Bewley - Bewley Internet Solutions Inc. http://bewley.net/
Dale Bewley wrote:
How are people dealing with mail from Outlook that just shows up in base64
in the ticket? Anyone come up with any clever work arounds? I need a
stopgap to keep the powers that be from getting a wandering eye.
We use the “mimedecode” option in .fetchmailrc which works pretty well.
That doesn’t solve the problem with multipart mime, but as long as we
get people to keep things in plain text it keeps us going. I suppose you
could use stripmime if you need ta handle attachments.
from .fetcmailrc:
poll mail.got.gatespace.com proto pop3:
user gssup password mimedecode mda “/apps/rt/bin/rt-mailgate
support correspond”
Hope this helps.
Anders Klint Gatespace AB
Quality Assurance +46 31 743 9821
I am using the following strip(1) perl program (home made) which looks like its
working with outlook, outlook express, and netscape. It only sends the first
which is what I want. Cuase sometimes, my users send excell and other MS stuff
along with their messages…check it out
Oh…I use this program in front of rt-mailgate.
|/home/rt/bin/strip |/home/rt/bin/rt-mailgate test correspond
For a Queue called ‘test’
Anders Klint wrote:
Dale Bewley wrote:
How are people dealing with mail from Outlook that just shows up in base64
in the ticket? Anyone come up with any clever work arounds? I need a
stopgap to keep the powers that be from getting a wandering eye.
We use the “mimedecode” option in .fetchmailrc which works pretty well.
That doesn’t solve the problem with multipart mime, but as long as we
get people to keep things in plain text it keeps us going. I suppose you
could use stripmime if you need ta handle attachments.
from .fetcmailrc:
poll mail.got.gatespace.com proto pop3:
user gssup password mimedecode mda “/apps/rt/bin/rt-mailgate
support correspond”
Hope this helps.
Anders Klint Gatespace AB
Quality Assurance +46 31 743 9821
rt-users mailing list
Medi Montaseri, medi@prepass.com, 408-450-7114
Prepass Inc, IT/Operations, Software Eng.
strip (2.3 KB)
We employ the “mime decode” option in the.fetchmailrc file, which performs admirably. Although it doesn’t address the multivolume protocol issue, as long as we can persuade people to stick with plain text, we can continue. If you require handle connections, I believe stripmime would be a good option.