Migration issue

Dear List

I’m planning to migrate a 300K tickets (650GB disc space) database
(with a lot of attachments) from RT 3.0.9 to RT3.6.1.

To what I’m concerned, this is a matter of importing the old RT system
database to the new system database and apply some SQL scripts to
patch/update the database structure (and eventually some data).

The system:

Front-end server:
Debian Linux 3.1 (testing distro)
Apache 2 + Mod Perl 2 (Debian packages)

Back-end server:
Debian Linux 3.1 (testing distro)
MySQL 5.0 (Debian package)
HP Storage attached

I would love to read stories like mine, to learn about the caveats and

Also, one important question: all documentation made me believe that
there is a direct migration path (i.e., I don’t need to install an
intermediary version) from 3.0.6 to 3.6.1. Is that true?

Many thanks in advance for your answers and experience. :slight_smile:
Luis Motta Campos
Segula Technologies Portugal

Also, one important question: all documentation made me believe that
there is a direct migration path (i.e., I don’t need to install an
intermediary version) from 3.0.6 to 3.6.1. Is that true?

That’s correct.